Science > Meetings > 2014 > The 3rd China-U.S. Workshop on Radio Astronomy Science and Technology-Emerging Opportunities

The 3rd China-U.S. Workshop on Radio Astronomy Science and Technology: Emerging Opportunities

May 19-21, 2014, Green Bank, West Virginia, USA

The “3rd China/U.S. Workshop on Radio Astronomy Science and Technology: Emerging Opportunities” will be held in Green Bank, WV from May 19-21, 2014.  The Workshop, organized by the NRAO and the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, will build on the two previous joint workshops held in China in 2008 and 2013 and will highlight new and planned radio astronomy facilities in the US and China, new radio astronomy devices being developed in both countries, issues of large scale data management as well as currently topical scientific opportunities.

China has recently commissioned a new 65-m radio telescope near Shanghai, is building FAST, the Five Hundred Meter Aperture Spherical Telescope, and planning the QTT, a 110-meter fully steerable radio telescope in western China. The goal of the workshop is to foster collaborative projects between US and Chinese astronomers using these new Chinese facilities as well as existing US radio telescopes.


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