Scientific Staff
NRAO Scientific Staff
The table below lists each member of the NRAO scientific staff, their scientific interests, and functional duties at the Observatory. Phone numbers and e-mail addresses for all employees are available in the NRAO Directory.
Tenured Staff
T. S. Bastian |
Charlottesville, VA |
Solar/stellar radiophysics, heliophysics; Frequency Agile Solar Radio telescope (FASR) planning and development. |
T. J. Beasley |
Charlottesville, VA |
NRAO Director: Stellar activity, radio stars; very Long baseline interferometry techniques and applications; SETI; astrometry and celestial frame definition; space situational awareness. |
C. L. Brogan | Charlottesville, VA |
High-mass star formation, astrochemistry, masers, magnetic fields, supernova remnants, small-scale structure in the interstellar medium, ALMA/NAASC, ALMA CASA subsystem scientist. |
C. L. Carilli |
Socorro, NM |
Formation of First Galaxies and cosmic reionization; HI 21cm cosmology; gas and dust in early galaxies; Radio Galaxies; NRAO Chief Scientist. |
P. Chandra |
Charlottesville, VA |
Time domain astronomy, evolution of massive stars, supernovae, gamma ray bursts, electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational waves, ngVLA science support. |
W. D. Cotton |
Charlottesville, VA |
Extragalactic radio sources, interferometry, cosmic masers, computational techniques for data analysis, scientific support, NRAO sky surveys. |
A. S. Evans |
Charlottesville, VA |
Extragalactic, multi-wavelength studies of infrared galaxies, radio galaxies and quasar hosts; ALMA/NAASC, ALMA/ NAASC web pages. NRAO/UVA Joint Faculty. |
E. B. Fomalont |
Charlottesville, VA |
ALMA Charlottesville Science Verification, CASA Scientific Steering Committee, Astrometry and Relativity Tests, VSOP and RadioAstron coordination, VLBA Spacecraft Tracking, Deep Radio Imaging. |
P. A. Henning |
Socorro, NM |
Associate Director for New Mexico Operations; extragalactic HI, galaxy evolution, and large-scale structure of the Universe. |
H. S. Liszt |
Charlottesville, VA |
Interstellar chemistry, diffuse clouds, galactic structure; NRAO Spectrum Manager and Chair of IUCAF; NAASC member specializing in the ALMA Observing Tool, proposal preparation and scheduling. |
M. A. Morgan |
Charlottesville, VA |
Millimeter-wave MMIC design, analog-digital-photonic integration, Integrated Receiver Development Group Leader. |
E. J. Murphy |
Charlottesville, VA |
Galaxy formation and evolution; star formation and its associated feedback on the ISM of galaxies; cosmic ray propagation and magnetic fields; radio surveys; next-generation VLA Project Scientist. |
S. T. Myers |
Socorro, NM |
Cosmology, cosmic background radiation, gravitational lenses, epoch of reionization, radio synoptic sky surveys, radio transients, interferometric imaging algorithms, ALMA and VLA scientific support. |
R. A. Perley |
Socorro, NM |
Interferometry, polarimetry, antenna and receiver metrology. |
S. M. Ransom |
Charlottesville, VA |
Pulsar searches and timing (especially binary and millisecond pulsars) and applications for basic physics, such as gravitational wave detection (NANOGrav); pulsar infrastructure improvement. |
H. A. Wootten |
Charlottesville, VA |
Star formation, structure and chemistry of the ISM in galaxies, circumstellar material; ALMA Program Scientist. |
D. S. Balser |
Charlottesville, VA |
Galactic structure and abundances, H II regions, planetary nebulae; telescope time allocation, science data archive. |
L. D. Barcos Munoz |
Charlottesville, VA |
Extragalactic Astronomy; Galaxy Evolution; Star Formation; AGN; outflows; Interacting Galaxies: e.g., Arp 220; Observations at Radio, Millimeter, Submillimeter and Infrared wavelengths. ALMA/NAASC: ALMA Ambassador Program. NAASC user support: ALMA Ambassadors program, face-to-face visitor program. |
P. P. B. Beaklini |
Socorro, NM |
Studies of radio emission variability. Quasars and blazars: jet dynamic. Astrochemistry: cold cores. Stellar Astrophysics: Eta Carinae and Proto Planetary Nebulae. Masers: Halpha Recombination Lines. Radio Instrumentation: pointing, holography. |
J. M. Blanchard |
Socorro, NM |
Linking Radio and Gamma-Ray emission in Blazars. HI absorption in AGN. AGN jet formation and variability. All things VLBI. Instrumentation. |
J. A. Braatz |
Charlottesville, VA |
Cosmic masers, active galaxies, cosmology, molecular gas in AGN, ALMA user support, Student Programs Coordinator. |
B. J. Butler |
Socorro, NM |
Planetary astronomy; transient sources |
N. Butterfield |
Charlottesville, VA |
Radio/IR studies of the Milky Way Galactic Center, star formation, molecular cloud properties, astrochemistry |
J. M. Carpenter |
Santiago, Chile |
Formation and evolution of stars, planetary disks and systems. ALMA Observatory Scientist |
L. Cerrigone |
Santiago, Chile |
AGB and post-AGB stars, molecular outflows, Planetary nebulae, LBV nebulae; Optimization of QA-related observatory operations. |
C. J. Chandler |
Socorro, NM |
Star formation, circumstellar disks, protostellar outflows. |
P. C. Cortes |
Santiago, Chile |
Star formation with a special interest in the role of magnetic fields. |
J. R. Cortes |
Santiago, Chile |
Kinematics and dynamics of galaxies, galaxy evolution, galaxy-galaxy interactions, sub-millimeter galaxies; ALMA science. |
A. H. Costa |
Charlottesville, VA |
High-mass star formation, magnetic fields, polarimetry, Faraday Synthesis, interstellar medium, HII regions, telescope time allocation tools. |
P. B. Demorest |
Socorro, NM |
Pulsars; High-precision pulsar timing and gravitational waves; Interstellar scattering; Polarimetry; Signal processing; Pulsar instrumentation and analysis software. |
C. De Pree |
Charlottesville, VA |
High Mass Star Formation in the Milky Way, Early Evolution of HII regions, Ultracompact HII Regions; National Radio Dynamic Zone (NRDZ) Project Director, NRAO Deputy Spectrum Manager |
V. Dhawan |
Socorro, NM |
JVLA and VLBA science & engineering support, system tests. Radio and X-ray observations of microquasars, VLBA astrometry, spacecraft tracking. |
S. M. Dougherty |
Santiago, Chile |
ALMA Director; massive stars; colliding-wind systems; stellar radio emission; radio astronomy techniques. |
B. H. C. Emonts |
Charlottesville, VA |
Origin and evolution of radio galaxies; the cold circum-galactic medium at high redshifts; low-surface-brightness millimeter interferometry; CASA User Liaison. |
A. S. Hales |
Santiago, Chile |
Dust and gas evolution in Protoplanetary and Debris Disks. Planetary Formation. Episodic Accretion in FU Ori and Ex Ori systems. Astronomical Polarimetry. ALMA: Array Calibration, Astrometry. |
J. E. Hibbard |
Charlottesville, VA |
Extragalactic HI, galaxy evolution, merging galaxies; data reduction pipelines. |
L. Hunt |
Socorro, NM |
ICRF sources, gravitational lensing, compact star forming galaxies, HI surveys; VLBA New Digital Architecture upgrade and ngVLA long baselines. |
T. R. Hunter |
Charlottesville, VA |
High-mass star formation, protoclusters, UCHII regions, hot cores, outflows, masers; millimeter/submillimeter interferometry; ALMA commissioning and analysis utilities; CASA pipeline heuristics; atmospheric calibration and antenna position determination. |
R. Indebetouw |
Charlottesville, VA |
(High mass) star formation, interstellar medium and molecular clouds; NAASC user support, ALMA simulator and pipeline; NRAO/UVA Joint Faculty. |
P. R. Jewell |
Charlottesville, VA |
Interstellar molecules, and astrochemisty; NRAO Deputy Director and Assistant Director for North American ALMA Operations. |
A. D. Kapinska |
Socorro, NM |
Radio galaxies, relativistic jets, galaxy evolution, AGN feedback, computational radio galaxy evolution, nearby star-forming galaxies, continuum radio surveys; EVLA/VLBA Science and User support, summer student program (Socorro), postdoctoral programs. |
B. R. Kent |
Charlottesville, VA |
Director of Science Communications. Nearby galaxies and clusters, galaxy dynamics, data visualization, VLA Sky Survey Science Group. |
A. A. Kepley |
Charlottesville, VA |
Star formation, molecular gas, dust, and magnetic fields in nearby galaxies, GBT 4mm system, ALMA pipeline development, CASA testing. |
A. E. Kimball |
Socorro, NM |
Extragalactic radio sources, quasars and luminous active galactic nuclei, high-redshift galaxies, multi-wavelength sky surveys, data reduction pipelines. VLA Sky Survey (VLASS) Operations Coordinator, VLA user support. |
D. Kunneriath |
Charlottesville, VA |
Sgr A* and the ISM at the Galactic centre; mm/submm interferometry; NAASC ALMA Scientific Software and User Support. |
M. Lacy |
Charlottesville, VA |
Quasars and active galactic nuclei, distant galaxies and galaxy evolution, extragalactic surveys. NAASC, ALMA archive and user support. |
J. D. Linford |
Socorro, NM |
Astronomical transients, especially classical novae and fast radio bursts; connections between radio and gamma-ray emission; blazars and AGN; VLBI; physics and astronomy education. |
A. Lipnicky |
Charlottesville, VA |
Near field cosmology, small scale structure/dwarf galaxies, dark matter; ALMA calibration and archive. |
R. Loomis |
Charlottesville, VA |
Protoplanetary disks, astrochemistry, interferometric imaging techniques, machine learning; ALMA pipeline development. |
J. G. Mangum |
Charlottesville, VA |
Galactic and extragalactic star formation; Molecular spectroscopy of comets; Antenna performance characterization; Millimeter/submillimeter measurement calibration; ALMA; Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Editor-in-Chief. |
J. Marvil |
Socorro, NM |
Extragalactic star formation and evolution; large radio surveys; data reduction pipelines; calibration and imaging techniques; VLA telescope and user support; VLA CASA subsystem scientist; VLA sky survey; science-ready data products. |
B. S. Mason |
Charlottesville, VA |
Galaxy Clusters, Observational Cosmology; Imaging Algorithms; Instrumentation Development; ALMA & GBT support; team lead, NA-ALMA Scientific Software Support. |
J. P. McMullin |
Socorro, NM |
Astrochemistry in Comets, Star Forming regions, Planetary Nebulae; construction and commissioning of astronomical observatories, interferometric arrays. Assistant Director for New Mexico Operations. |
M. M. McKinnon |
Socorro, NM |
Pulsars, radio polarimetry. |
J. Donovan Meyer |
Charlottesville, VA |
Nearby galaxies, outer galaxy disks. NAASC, CASA Scientific Testing Lead, ALMA Proposal Handling Team. |
A. J. Mioduszewski |
Socorro, NM |
Astrometry of young stellar objects, novae, symbiotic stars; VLBA/VLA support, VLA Scheduling Manager. |
E. Momjian |
Socorro, NM |
(Ultra) Luminous IR Galaxies, extragalactic HI surveys, deep continuum surveys, cm-wavelength molecular lines, OH megamasers, VLBI imaging of high-z QSOs and sub-mm galaxies, Galactic methanol masers, Zeeman effect; VLA and VLBA testing. |
T. Nakos |
Santiago, Chile |
ALMA Data Management Group Manager; |
M. Neeleman |
Charlottesville, VA |
High redshift quasars, galaxy dynamics and kinematics, quasar absorption line systems, cosmic baryon cycle; ALMA user support and pipeline heuristics. |
B.D. Nhan |
Charlottesville, VA |
Radio frequency interference. Low-frequency radio astronomy instrumentation R&D: computational electromagnetics, antenna prototype, radiometry, polarimetry, global 21-cm experiment (Cosmic Twilight Polarimeter - CTP). |
J. Ott |
Socorro, NM |
Molecular cloud and star formation in nearby active, dwarf, and interacting galaxies; multi-wavelength observations of the ISM in galaxies; galaxy evolution; the Galactic Center; CASA Project scientist; VLA user support and sub-system scientist for VLA pipeline infrastructure. |
V. Parekh |
Socorro, NM |
Galaxy clusters, diffuse radio sources, superclusters, direction-dependent calibration, imaging. |
F. Paganelli |
Charlottesville, VA |
Planetary radar; radar remote sensing for the characterization of planetary bodies, moons and asteroids; radar instruments; next-generation RADAR Project Scientist. |
A. Plunkett |
Charlottesville, VA |
Star formation, protostellar outflows, molecular cloud evolution; NAASC user support, ALMA archive. |
G. Privon |
Charlottesville, VA |
Galaxy evolution, multi-wavelength observations of massive and dwarf galaxy mergers, dynamical modeling / N-body simulations, ALMA user support, ALMA Ambassadors. |
D. Rebolledo |
Santiago, Chile |
Properties of molecular clouds, different phases of the interstellar medium and the process of star formation at different size scales in nearby galaxies and the Milky Way. Coordinator of preparation activities for new ALMA observing cycles. Responsible for the ALMA observing queue, and the monitoring of duplicated and resubmitted projects in ALMA. ALMA VLBI friend and ALMA Solar friend. |
A. Remijan |
Charlottesville, VA |
Interim Site Director - GBO; Assistant Director of SSR; Astrochemistry, astrobiology, physical and chemical conditions of the interstellar, circumstellar, and cometary media. |
V. Rosero |
Socorro, NM |
ngVLA configuration studies and simulations. Early stages of high-mass star formation, ionized jets and molecular outflows, hot molecular cores, infrared dark cloud cores, ultra-compact and hyper-compact HII regions. |
F. Schinzel |
Socorro, NM |
Active Galactic Nuclei/Quasars; relativistic outflows; unassociated gamma-ray sources; radio/gamma-ray sky connection; low-frequency radio interferometry; very long baseline interferometry; VLA sky survey; VLA/VLBA Science Support |
P. Sheehan |
Charlottesville, VA |
Planet formation, star formation, protoplanetary disks, pre-main sequence stellar masses; Science ready data products development. |
L. O. Sjouwerman |
Socorro, NM |
Circumstellar masers and AGB stars; centers of the Galaxy and Andromeda, interstellar masers and SNR/MC interactions; data-reduction pipelines in AIPS; VLA/VLBA scientific support; subsystem scientist for the observing preparation tool (OPT). |
T. K. Sridharan |
Charlottesville, VA |
Cross-disciplinary astrophysics & instrumentation: Interferometric techniques; Sub-mm-wave/THz antenna near-field holography; Science management; Massive stars – formation and effect on the ISM; Event Horizon Explorer space-VLBI mission concept development; Low SWaP antennas and frequency/time reference technologies; next generation VLA Lead Calibration Scientist. |
B. Svoboda |
Socorro, NM |
High-mass star and cluster formation, interstellar medium, astrochemistry, dust polarization; interferometry and molecular spectroscopy. |
J. Tobin |
Charlottesville, VA |
Low-to-intermediate mass star formation; proto-planetary disk formation; multiple star formation; protostellar outflows; molecular clouds; astrochemistry. |
S. Tremblay |
Socorro, NM |
Single-pulse studies of pulsars, Evolution of radio galaxies, VLBI techniques, Low-frequency radio astronomy; Instrumentation; VLBA Technical Scientist. |
E. Tremou |
Socorro, NM |
VLA/VLBA science support; radio transient search using radio continuum surveys; jet physics on compact objects such as stellar black holes in X-ray binaries; developing pipelines for low frequency radio imaging data sets. |
C. Vlahakis |
Charlottesville, VA |
Deputy North American ARC Manager, ALMA Telescope Interface Group Manager; Properties of the interstellar medium and star formation in galaxies using (sub)millimeter and radio observations, molecular gas in galaxies, (sub)millimeter interferometry. |
J. M. Wrobel |
Socorro, NM |
Intermediate-mass black holes, massive black holes on the move; next-generation VLA (ngVLA); Scientific Editor, AAS Journals. |
I. Yoon |
Charlottesville, VA |
Atomic and molecular gas in galaxies, Galaxy morphology, Bayesian statistics, Stellar dynamics, Supermassive black holes, NAASC ALMA user support and pipeline development. |
Scientists/Computational Science
S. Bhatnagar |
Socorro, NM |
Supernova remnants, Galactic astronomy, Wide-band surveys, interferometric imaging and calibration algorithms, scientific computational techniques, high performance computing using multi-core CPU, GPUs and FPGAs, Algorithms research and development (ARDG)/Production scientific software development (CASA). |
K. Golap |
Socorro, NM |
Low-frequency calibration and imaging, imaging algorithm development, CASA. |
E. W. Greisen |
Socorro, NM |
Radio galaxies, HI in galaxies, interstellar medium, computer analysis of astronomical data; AIPS. |
P. Jagannathan |
Socorro, NM |
Polarimetry, Interferometry, Synthesis imaging algorithms, High Performance Computing, Algorithms R&D, Faraday Synthesis, Radio Deep Fields, AGN. |
G. Moellenbrock |
Socorro, NM |
Polarization interferometry, VLBI, astrometry, kpc parallaxes; synthesis calibration and imaging algorithms, CASA; ALMA and EVLA commissioning support; ALMA, EVLA and VLBA user support. |
R. Simon |
Charlottesville, VA |
ALMA testing in Chile. |
J. W. Steeb |
Charlottesville, VA |
RFI mitigation, RFI localization, numerical techniques and image deconvolution. CASA (software development). |
T. Tsutsumi |
Socorro, NM |
X-ray binaries, the Galactic Center, extragalactic variable radio sources, interferometric and single dish data analysis systems; CASA. |
R. V. Urvashi |
Socorro, NM |
Numerical techniques and high-performance computing applied to interferometric image reconstruction, calibration and RFI-removal; CASA (software development), ARDG (algorithm research). |
Scientists/Research Engineering
R. F. Bradley |
Charlottesville, VA |
Special-purpose radio telescope systems, low-noise amplifiers, array receivers, adaptive RFI excision, advanced receiver development, Dark Ages / Epoch of Reionization science, and radio-based particle physics; Low Noise Radiometer Laboratory Group Leader. |
W. Brisken |
Socorro, NM |
Pulsars, astrometry, interstellar scattering; VLBI software correlation. |
B. Hawkins |
Charlottesville, VA |
Central Development Laboratory (CDL) Director; millimeter/submm/infrared/acoustic technology development, analysis and systems performance, radar characterization of physical objects, modeling of moving targets in compact cm/mm-wavelength radar ranges. |
R. Lehmensiek |
Charlottesville, VA |
Antenna and feed electromagnetic characterization and design. Optimization of wide frequency band feeds for low receiving sensitivity applications. |
F. P. Mena |
Charlottesville, VA |
Superconducting travelling-wave kinetic-inductance parametric (TKIP) amplifiers, Millimeter- and submillimeter-wave receivers, CDL and ALMA project. |
A. Navarrini |
Charlottesville, VA |
PI of the ALMA Band 6 receiver upgrade project, "ALMA Band6v2". Millimeter- and submillimeter-wave receiver development. |
O. Y. Ojeda |
Charlottesville, VA |
Signal processing and statistics, large-scale back-end solutions, algorithms and machine learning. |
K. Saini |
Charlottesville, VA |
ALMA local-oscillator development, frequency-multiplier development; ALMA Front-End System engineering. |
W. Shillue |
Charlottesville, VA |
Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Photonics, Coherent Local Oscillator Generation and Distribution, Phased Array Receivers |
Emeritus Scientists
B. G. Clark |
Socorro, NM |
EVLA control and software development, VLA/VLBA scheduling. |
M. J. Claussen |
Socorro, NM |
Masers, young stellar objects, AGB stars, pre-planetary nebulae, spectropolarimetry; EVLA/VLBA user programs, EVLA and VLBA scientific support; EVLA commissioning; VLBA/EVLA scheduling. |
D. A. Frail |
Socorro, NM |
Transient radio sky with emphasis on EM-GW. |
M. A. Gordon |
Socorro, NM |
CO, galactic structure, gas-rich galaxies, interstellar medium. |
W. M. Goss |
Socorro, NM |
Galactic-center studies, galactic masers, pulsars, supernova remnants, nearby galaxies; history of radio astronomy. |
J. R. Fisher |
Charlottesville, VA |
Cosmology, signal processing, phased array feed design, advanced receiver development, RFI mitigation; former NRAO Chief Technologist. |
E. J. Hardy |
Santiago, Chile |
Cosmology, galaxies, stellar populations; former Assistant Director for Chilean Affairs and NRAO/AUI representative in Chile. |
D. E. Hogg |
Charlottesville, VA |
Structure of spiral galaxies, stellar winds. |
K. I. Kellermann |
Charlottesville, VA |
Extra-galactic radio sources, quasars, cosmology, radio telescopes, history of radio astronomy; NRAO Archives, space VLBI. |
A. R. Kerr |
Charlottesville, VA |
Millimeter- and submillimeter-wave receiver development, SIS mixer design, CDL and ALMA Project. |
C. Lonsdale |
Charlottesville, VA |
Starburst galaxies, ultraluminous infrared galaxies, active galactic nuclei, galaxy evolution, large scale structure, extragalactic surveys, Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, WISE; |
P. J. Napier |
Socorro, NM |
Radio-astronomy instrumentation, antenna and system design for VLA, VLBA, & ALMA; SKA & CCAT design. |
F. N. Owen |
Socorro, NM |
Evolution of galaxies, clusters of galaxies, radio galaxies, deep continuum surveys; EVLA. |
S. K. Pan |
Charlottesville, VA |
Superconducting millimeter--and submillimeter--wave low-noise devices, circuit and receiver development. |
M. W. Pospieszalski |
Charlottesville, VA |
Microwave and millimeter-wave low-noise devices, amplifiers and receivers, CMBR radiometers; EVLA/VLBA/GBT/ALMA receiver development. |
S. Srikanth |
Charlottesville, VA |
Electromagnetics, optics and antennas. Development of polarizers and broadband feeds for cm to mm-wave applications. |
P. A. Vanden Bout |
Charlottesville, VA |
Interstellar medium, star formation, high- redshift molecular emission galaxies, galaxy formation/evolution. |
R. C. Walker |
Socorro, NM |
Extragalactic radio sources; VLBI, VLBA development, VLBA scientific support. |
Jansky Fellows
J. A. Blue Bird |
Jansky Fellow at NRAO in Socorro. Research interest: galaxy evolution, extragalactic HI and HII, gas/mass ratio evolution in galaxies, education and public outreach. |
R. A. Charbonneau |
Jansky Fellow at NRAO in Charlottesville. Research interests: history of science, history of international cooperation within radio astronomy. |
T. C. Ching |
Jansky Fellow at NRAO in Socorro. Research interests: the interstellar magnetic field, interstellar medium, star formation, and radio polarimetry of single dish and interferometric telescopes. |
D. Z. Dong |
Jansky Fellow at NRAO in Socorro. Research interests: radio transients and variables, statistical characterization of black hole and stellar flares, extragalactic luminous transients, supernovae, automated tools for the detection of transients and variables in surveys. |
C. Eibensteiner |
Jansky Fellow at NRAO in Charlottesville. Research interests: structure, evolution, chemistry and kinematics of the interstellar medium (ISM), large scale disk properties in galaxies, central molecular zones in nearby galaxies. |
K. L. Emig |
Jansky Fellow at NRAO in Charlottesville. Research interests: the interstellar medium, star formation, and stellar feedback, galaxy evolution, radio recombination lines, low-frequency calibration and spectroscopy. |
D. Monasterio |
Jansky Fellow at NRAO Central Development Laboratory. Research interests: heterodyne receiver architectures for the next generation of astronomical receivers, RF components design. |
H. Mueller |
Jansky Fellow at NRAO in Socorro. Research interests: novel imaging and calibration algorithms for interferometric arrays, artificial intelligence methods, VLBI. |
S. Scibelli |
Jansky Fellow at NRAO in Charlottesville. Research interests: submillimeter studies of the complex chemistry (complex organic molecules), physical properties of starless and prestellar cores, low-mass star and planet formation. |
M R. Rugel |
Non-resident Jansky Fellow at Harvard CfA, and NRAO in Socorro (split appointment). Research interests: multiphase interstellar medium (ISM), formation of molecular clouds, studies of atomic, molecular and ionized gas, radio surveys of the Milky Way. |
Research Associates and NRAO Postdoctoral Fellows
T. Gautam |
Research Associate at NRAO in Charlottesville. |
D. A. Ruiz Rodriguez |
ALMA-JAO Fellow in Santiago, Chile. |
M. Vioque De Lozar |
ALMA-JAO Fellowin Santiago, Chile. Star formation, Herbig Ae/Be stars, pre-main sequence accretion, open clusters, protoplanetary and debris disks, variable stars, emission-line stars and Be stars. |
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