Astro2020 Decadal Survey

deps_193037.jpgThe Decadal Survey on Astronomy and Astrophysics (Astro2020) is a partnership between the National Academies and the astronomical community to identify key priorities in astronomy and astrophysics and develop a comprehensive strategy for agency investments in the upcoming decade.

The survey, sponsored by NASA, NSF, and DOE, will be driven by input from the scientific community and serve as a guide for scientists, policy makers, and federal agencies. The final report will present a broad vision for transformative science at the frontiers of astronomy and astrophysics.

The following three tables provide direct links (via the titles) to all science and APC white papers submitted to Astro2020 with an NRAO staff person as Principal Author, and to two radio wavelength related APC white papers submitted to Astro2020 by scientists outside the NRAO.

Science White Papers 

Principal AuthorInstitution(s)Title
Bastian, Tim NRAO Radio Observational Constraints on Turbulent Astrophysical Plasmas
Bastian, Tim NRAO Diagnostics of Space Weather Drivers Enabled by Radio Observations
Bastian, Tim NRAO Radio, Millimeter, Submillimeter Observations of the Quiet Sun
Braatz, James NRAO H2O Megamaser Cosmology with the ngVLA
Butler, Bryan NRAO Indirect Detection of Extrasolar Planets via  Radio Wavelength Astrometry
Carilli, Christopher NRAO Imaging Molecular Gas in High Redshift Galaxies at ≤1 kpc resolution
Carilli, Christopher NRAO Resolving the Radio Photospheres of Main Sequence Stars
Emonts, Bjorn NRAO The Radio Universe at Low Surface Brightness: Feedback & Accretion in the Circumgalactic Medium
Fissel, Laura NRAO Studying Magnetic Fields in Star Formation and the Turbulent Interstellar Medium
Friesen, Rachel NRAO Star-Forming Filaments and Cores in Molecular Clouds
Ginsburg, Adam NRAO Galactic Center Star Formation & Feedback: Key Questions
Hunter, Todd NRAO Understanding Accretion Outbursts in Massive Protostars through Maser Imaging
McGuire, Brett NRAO Lifting the Veil on Aromatic Chemistry: Complex Carbon Across the Stellar Life Cycle from Birth to the Afterlife
McGuire, Brett NRAO Closing Gaps in Our Astrochemical Heritage: From Molecular Clouds to Planets
McGuire, Brett NRAO Revealing Chemical Evolution Throughout the Star-Formation Process
Murphy, Eric NRAO Unsolved Problems in Modern Astrophysics: Anomalous Microwave Emission
Murphy, Eric NRAO Robustly Mapping the Distribution of Star Formation in High-z Galaxies
Murphy, Eric NRAO Towards a Theory for Star Formation on All Scales
Remijan, Anthony NRAO Observational Astrochemistry in the Next Decade
Sheehan, Patrick NRAO Protostellar Disks: The Missing Link Between Cores and Planets
Tobin, John NRAO The Formation and Evolution of Multiple Star Systems
Tobin, John NRAO Measuring Protostar Masses: The Key to Protostellar Evolution
Walter, Fabian MPIA/NRAO The Evolution of the Cosmic Molecular Gas Density
Wrobel, Joan NRAO Intermediate-Mass Black Holes in Extragalactic Globular Clusters

APC White Papers

Principal AuthorInstitution(s)Title
Bastian, Tim NRAO Frequency Agile Solar Radiotelescope
Beasley, Anthony AUI/NRAO Multiwavelength Astrophysics in the Era of the ngVLA and the US ELT Program
Beasley, Anthony NRAO The National Radio Astronomy Observatory through the 2030s: Strategic Goals and Initiatives
Brisken, Walter NRAO The Status and Future of the Very Long Baseline Array
Brogan, Crystal NRAO A Science-Driven Vision for ALMA in the 2030s
Kern, Jeffrey NRAO The Science Ready Data Products Revolution at the NRAO
McKinnon, Mark NRAO ngVLA: The Next Generation Very Large Array
Thyagarajan, Nithyanandan NRAO A Roadmap for Efficient Direct Imaging with Large Radio Interferometer Arrays
Ransom, Scott NRAO The NANOGrav Program for Gravitational Waves and Fundamental Physics

Related APC White Papers

Principal AuthorInstitution(s)Title
Hall, Jeff Lowell Observatory Light Pollution, Radio Interference, and Space Debris: Threats and Opportunities in the 2020s
van Zee, Liese Indiana University Spectrum Management: A State of the Profession White Paper

Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.