Tile definition and observing status

VLASS observations are broken into tiles 10x4 deg2 in size. The areas covered by each tile, and their observing status in each epoch are listed on this page.

Basic Data Products

The set of survey products produced by NRAO, including links to the archive where they are stored.

Enhanced Data Products

Additional high-level products from external groups.

Calibration and imaging weblogs

When the pipeline runs, it produces a log as a set of webpages, the weblog. This link takes you to the NRAO archive directory where the weblogs are stored.

Interactive HiPS Images

The Hierarchical Progressive Surveys (HiPS) standard allows interactive viewing of large datasets such as sky surveys. We have created HiPS visualizations of the sky survey using the Quick Look images and the Aladin Lite viewer. The individual epoch HiPS contain the the full FITS representations.

Here is the current HiPS Aladin Lite interactive image for all current VLASS Epochs plus key other surveys (click radio button to toggle). This just links to the individual HiPS data for each survey and epoch (does not contain FITS images). Also, here is the Early Release Single Epoch HiPS containing the ~1000 square degrees from VLASS2.1.


Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.