

NRAO dynamically schedules all possible observations on the VLA and the VLBA.  The Green Bank Observatory (GBO) also operates the GBT in a dynamic scheduling mode. VLA dynamic scheduling is done at the Scheduling Block level.  Dynamic scheduling on the VLBA is done with observing files created by the observer.  GBT dynamic scheduling is done with respect to observing sessions. An observer whose session is dynamically scheduled on the GBT still has the freedom to choose which Scheduling Blocks to execute, and in which order.

VLA Scheduling

Dynamic scheduling is the standard mode for all VLA projects, unless fixed-date observations are required. For more information please visit the VLA and VLBA Schedsoc home page. To contact the VLA scheduler, please submit a helpdesk ticket to the VLA Scheduling Support Department.

VLBA Scheduling

For the VLBA, fixed-date scheduling is done when necessary, e.g. when the VLBA is used with other VLBI stations (HSA, Global cm VLBI, GMVA), or when observations must be made at a particular date/time.  All other VLBA observations are dynamically scheduled; observers submit observing files to the VLBA data analysts, and are placed in a dynamic queue - observing constraints are set by the observer, and files are selected by the dynamic scheduler, approximately 24 hours in advance. For more information please visit the VLA and VLBA Schedsoc home pageTo contact the VLBA scheduler, please submit a helpdesk ticket to the VLBA Scheduling Support Department.

GBT Scheduling

The GBT spans a larger range of frequencies than other comparable centimeter/millimeter single-dish telescopes, and is located in a continental, mid-latitude region where weather is dominated by water vapor and small-scale effects. As a result, the observing efficiency of the GBT can be enhanced significantly by dynamically scheduling observations best matched to weather conditions.

The GBT Dynamic Scheduling System (DSS) seeks to maximize the observing efficiency of the telescope while ensuring that none of the telescope's flexibility and ease-of-use is harmed and the data quality of observations is not adversely affected. To contact the GBT scheduler, please email .

Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.