

Employment at the NRAO offers intellectually challenging work in a 21st century international research environment, dealing with cutting-edge research and technology. The NRAO is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. Women, minorities, veterans, and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Postdoctoral Programs

The NRAO Jansky Fellowship Program provides outstanding postdoctoral opportunities for astronomy research. Jansky Fellows formulate and carry out research independently or in collaboration with others.

The NRAO also periodically offers other excellent post-doctoral opportunities.

Student Observing Support

NRAO maintains a program to support research by students, both graduate and undergraduate, at U.S. universities and colleges. This program is intended to strengthen the role of the Observatory in training new generations of telescope users. Successful observing programs for the VLA and ALMA (through the North American executive) are eligible to apply for SOS funding.

Student Programs

The NRAO sponsors a range of programs that involve undergraduate and graduate students in astronomical research, computing, and engineering. Programs run from a few weeks for for the summer and intern programs to 2 or more years for the co-op and pre-doctoral programs.

Financial Support

The NRAO sponsors several financial support programs for the astronomy community, including travel support, preprint & page charges.

Learning Resources

Essential Radio Astronomy, Synthesis Imaging Workshop, and Single Dish Summer School.

Adjunct Appointments

The NRAO allows for Adjunct appointments to the scientific staff for individuals who may hold full time salaried positions at other institutions. The goals of Adjunct appointments are to encourage collaboration of the scientific community with the NRAO and to augment the effectiveness of the NRAO in fulfilling its mission.

Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.