NRAO Call for Proposals: Semester 2025A

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) invites scientists to participate in the Semester 2025A Call for Proposals for the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) and the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA), High Sensitivity Array (HSA), and Global mm VLBI Array (GMVA).

The submission deadline for Semester 2025A proposals is Wednesday, 31 July 2024, at 17:00 EDT (21:00 UTC).

For the VLA, the D and C-configurations will be available. It is anticipated there will be around 2910 hours on the VLA and 570 hours on the VLBA available for science observing. Opportunities for Joint proposals will be available for ALMA, JWST, HST, Swift, Chandra, XMM-Newton, and NICER. Joint Proposals with ALMA or JWST need to be submitted to the facility requesting the larger amount of observing time.

The array configurations available for joint ALMA/VLA will be: ALMA C-1 to C-10 and VLA D and C configurations.


NRAO at the International Astronomical Union General Assembly

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Green Bank Observatory will be at the International Astronomical Union General Assembly XXXII in August 2024.  In addition to the science exhibition, the Observatory will showcase science with ALMA, VLA, VLBA, GBT, ngRadar, and planned science with the ngVLA.



NRDZ Partnership and Workshop Series







Join us for the capstone event of the NSF-supported NRDZ Partnership and Workshop Series. The event will be held in-person at the historic Green Bank Observatory in the heart of West Virginia. The observatory houses the world's largest fully-steerable radio telescope. It is also within the United States National Radio Quiet Zone, where policy-making and technology come together to ensure interference-free astronomical observations.

The goal of this event is to continue to conceptualize the NRDZ as a nation-scale testbed for spectrum coexistence research, while immersing in the instrumentation and capabilities of one of the key spectrum stakeholders -- the scientific users.



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