NRAO 12m Telescope Data Archive

NRAO 12m Telescope Data Archive

The NRAO 12m telescope historical data archive contains raw (unprocessed) data collected from late-1986 through July 2000 when NRAO discontinued operations and handed the facility over to Steward Observatory.  Data files are in the 12m Single Dish Data (sdd) format, which can be processed using the UniPOPS analysis package.  File names for these data are "" (data) and "" (calibration), where "xxx" is the initials of the observer who acquired the data.  Starting in 1998 raw data was also written in the standard Continuum and Line Analysis Single-dish Software (CLASS) format.  File names are all "class.12m" for these data files.  All data is organized by the year in which the observations were made.  Organization reflects the way that data backups were made, so does not currently represent a convenient telescope data archive at this time.

All data from the former NRAO 12m telescope is now beyond its proprietary period and may be used for any purpose. Any publications resulting from the use of this data or any public redistribution of the data must contain the following text as a footnote or acknowledgement: "The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc."

Questions about this archive should be directed to Jeff Mangum.

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.