AAS Travel Support for NRAO/GBO Summer Students: Jan 2025 at National Harbor, MD

AAS Travel Support for NRAO Summer Students

AAS Travel Support for NRAO/GBO Undergrad Summer Students

 Important Dates

Sep 25 AAS Travel request and Budget estimate due to Jim
Sep 26 AAS Abstract Deadline
Oct 1 AAS Early Registration Deadline
Nov 1 Deadline to send air travel request to JJ
Nov 6 AAS Regular Registration deadline
Jan 12-16 AAS meeting at National Harbor


NRAO and GBO have funds to help undergraduate students attend the winter meeting of the American Astronomical Society in the January following their appointment, for the purpose of presenting a poster describing their summer research project. If the NRAO/GBO science advisor approves the student to attend this meeting, then the student should request funding, as described below.

This year's AAS meeting will be held from 12-16 January 2025 at National Harbor, MD.  The abstract deadline is 26 September 2024.  Students should submit an abstract at the regular deadline, not the late deadline.  Review the abstract carefully with your mentor before submitting it.  Your mentor should be a co-author on the abstract.

To be eligible for NRAO/GBO support, the student must have submitted their written summer research report to their local Summer Student coordinator.  Students are required to contact their university department to request funding, or partial funding, to support the travel.  Then, students should submit a request for funding to Jim Braatz (see example below) by September 25, 2024.  Proposals that include contributing funds from the students' home institution or from the AAS (travel grants) will be viewed favorably. We encourage students to contact their home departments early to secure funds.

After the university contribution, NRAO/GBO covers the remaining travel costs so the student should not have to pay anything out of pocket.

Student Request for AAS Travel Support

Students must submit a funding request to Jim Braatz by September 25, 2024.  It can be a simple email message, and should contain the following:

  1. Poster Title
  2. NRAO advisor
  3. City/airport from which student will travel to National Harbor
  4. Estimated round trip airfare to the meeting
  5. Contributing funds that you secured from your home institution or through other grants.  If you are not sure yet of the external funding amount, we need confirmation that you have requested (or plan to request) departmental funding
  6. Preferred roommate at the AAS, if any.

Note that for lodging we will reimburse up to half the cost of a double room, so you should plan to share a room. If you do not have a preferred roommate, we will assign one.

If you are approved for NRAO/GBO funding, we will fund the remaining costs of your trip, including registration, travel, hotel, and meals.

Example Travel/Budget request to be emailed to Jim:

Request for NRAO/GBO Travel Support to AAS in January 2025

Jane Doe  (jdoe@virginia.edu)
Title: A Study of GRB 980329

NRAO/GBO Advisor: Jim Braatz

Traveling from Charlottesville, VA

Estimated airfare: $550 based on google search, arrival Jan 11, departure Jan 16

External funds: Departmental funding of $750 secured from UVA astronomy department

Roommate: no preference


Student Travel Dates

We encourage students to arrive in time for the Undergraduate Reception and Grad Fair, which will be held on Sunday, Jan 12 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm.  Most students should plan to stay at the meeting until Jan 16 (evening) or Jan 17.

JJ will book and pay for your hotel.  She can also book your air travel tickets, or you can book your air tickets and get reimbursed later.   If you'd like JJ to book your air travel, you must send her your travel information by November 1.

Abstract and Registration

All students must give a poster or talk at the AAS to receive NRAO/GBO financial support.  You are responsible for submitting your abstract with your mentor.

Separately from the abstract, you must also register for the meeting.  Please try to register by the Early Deadline, but if you miss that, then definitely register by the regular deadline.  JJ Burns at NRAO can register you, or you can register yourself and you will be reimbursed the $295 registration fee.  Contact JJ as soon as possible if you'd like her to register you.  

Acknowledgments Must Go on the Poster (or Talk)

Students from Charlottesville or Socorro should include the statement: "The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.".  Students from Green Bank should have: "The Green Bank Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc."  Most posters put this statement in the bottom margin or in an acknowledgments box.  Additionally, you should put the NSF and AUI logos, and either the NRAO or GBO logos on the presentation.  You should also acknowledge the specific program that funded you, for example "This project was funded by the NSF through the REU program at NRAO."  Or, "This project was completed as part of the NAC program at NRAO."  Or, "This project was completed as part of the PING program at GBO."   Contact Jim Braatz if you are not sure which program funded your summer position.


Poster Expectations

Posters are presented electronically on video screens in the AAS exhibit hall, and will be scheduled for one day during the meeting.  You should plan to stand by your poster and tell people about your work throughout the day.  It is especially important for you to be there during the assigned poster session time periods, but you should also try to stand by your poster during all the other breaks.  It's ok to leave your poster during the talk sessions.  In addition to the assigned times, you can always pull up your poster at one of the poster stations at other times throughout the meeting.

Some tips on preparing your poster and other information from the AAS is here, under "Types of Abstracts".


Connect with NRAO

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.