Grote Reber Doctoral Fellowships
Grote Reber Doctoral Fellowship Program
The next deadline for applications is April 11, 2025 for appointments beginning September 2025
The Grote Reber Doctoral Fellowship Program gives Ph.D. students an opportunity to conduct research in radio astronomy, radio instrumentation, or computational techniques at one of the NRAO sites under the supervision of an NRAO staff astronomer or engineer. The program is jointly sponsored by the Observatory and the students' home universities.
To be eligible, the student must be engaged in a well-advanced thesis project and have the support of both their prospective NRAO advisor and their academic department. The duration of the appointment may range from several months up to two years, with the possibility of a few months' extension under extenuating circumstances. The student is expected to be based at the NRAO site for the duration of the award.
Opportunities for participation in the Reber Fellowship program are available at the NRAO sites in Socorro, Charlottesville, and Green Bank. Reber Fellows are paid a stipend and have access to the Observatory's computing resources. Reber Fellows are also encouraged and funded to present their Ph.D. research at a scientific meeting with an annual travel allocation. The university departments are expected to cover tuition, insurance, and other student benefits. For more information, please see the Reber Fellowship Program terms and conditions.
To be eligible for the Reber Fellowship program students must first:
- Complete all university course requirements and qualifier exams so that only the thesis research is needed as an academic requirement for the Ph.D. degree.
- Identify an NRAO staff member who will serve as thesis co-advisor and as local supervisor of the student's research program.
- Obtain the consent of their thesis advisor and of the chairman of their academic department to participate in the Reber Fellowship program.
The student's NRAO advisor can then apply for the program on behalf of the student. Application materials should be sent by email to Jim Braatz. The application should include:
- Recommendation letters from the student's University advisor and the proposed NRAO advisor (who may be the same person) nominating the student for a Reber Doctoral Fellowship appointment.
- A description of the dissertation project, not to exceed 4 pages.
- A timeline for completion of the Ph.D., including milestones such as observing programs, paper publication schedule, and intended conference presentations.
- The student's Curriculum Vitae.
- A signed letter from the student's University Department Chair stating that the student has completed the required course work, passed the necessary qualifier exams, and has the Department's permission to complete the Ph.D. research at the Observatory site as a Reber Fellow. The letter from the Department Chair should also indicate that the Department will cover or waive the student's tuition and other administrative costs.
Awards are decided by a selection committee that consists of NRAO staff from each site. Contact Jim Braatz with any questions.
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