ALMA Special Session at the 219th AAS

ALMA Cycle 0 Early Science and Capabilities for Cycle 1 Science Special Session
Organized by the North American ALMA Science Center
219th American Astronomical Society Meeting | Austin, TX
Wednesday, January 11, 2012 | 10:00 - 11:30 AM CST
Location: Austin Convention Center, Room 17B

14 antenna

The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) will provide an unprecedented combination of sensitivity, image fidelity, and resolution at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths (0.3 to 3 mm, 950 to 84 GHz). It will open new scientific frontiers by observing the first stars and galaxies, directly imaging planet formation, and studying the energy output from supermassive black holes in starburst galaxies. In limited but still groundbreaking form, ALMA has been taking data since spring 2011 and is now available to the community. At the January 2012 AAS, we held a special session to update the community on the status of ALMA, explain the capabilities and support offered to the community for the next proposal call, present early results, and highlight prospects for the next few years.

Speakers: Alison Peck (Joint ALMA Observatory), Meredith Hughes (University of California-Berkeley), Yancey Shirley (University of Arizona), Carol Lonsdale (National Radio Astronomy Observatory), and Al Wootten (National Radio Astronomy Observatory).

Talk presented by speakers:

Talk TitleSpeakerDownload
The Current Status of ALMA Alison Peck pdf
ALMA Cycle I: Progressing to Array Completion Al Wootten pdf
Early ALMA Observations of Circumstellar Disks Meredith Hughes pdf
Studies of Star Formation with ALMA Yancy Shirley pdf
Extragalactic Science with ALMA Carol Lonsdale pdf

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