Figure 1. Left: Global 3.5mm VLBI image down to 37 microarcseconds (hyper-) resolution, including the VLBA, GBT, and ALMA, of the SMBH and jet in M87 from scales of a few gravitational radii to a few parsec (Lu et al. 2023, Nature, 616, 686). Right: VLBA 43 GHz observations showing jet precession with an 11 year period (Cui et al. 2023, Nature, 621, 711).
Figure 2. Results from the NANOGrav pulsar timing array showing the spectrum of timing residuals for the pulsar array, and the large scale spatial correlation indicative of very low frequency gravitational waves traversing the Galaxy (Agazie et al. 2023, arXiv:2306.16213).
Figure 3. ALMA 343 GHz image of Callisto at 0.16” resolution with mean disk emission subtracted. Right: ALMA contours plus the albedo map from Voyager and Galileo imaging (Camarca et al. 2023). A few crater impact regions are indicated, showing higher albedo and cooler mm thermal emission.
Figure 4. ALMA 12m and ACA 345 GHz images of the Didymous-Dimorphos binary asteroid system after impact of the DART deep space probe (Roth et al. 2023, arXiv:2306.05908).
Figure 5. Image of the massive star forming region NGC 6334 at 1.67 GHz plus the Stokes I and V spectra of the methanol lines from feature F, from which magnetic fields are derived from the Zeeman effect (Momjian and Sarma 2023).
Figure 6. ALMA 1.3mm continuum image of W75(N)B at ~ 0.1” resolution. Top right: integrated line intensity of SiO emission. Lower right: the H2CO emission (Gomez et al. 2023, arXiv:2310:08086).
Figure 7. Image of the Mira Red Giant star, R Lep Band 10 HCN maser at 890.8 GHz, plus the continuum emission in greyscale, at 5 mas resolution (Asaki et al. 2023, arXiv:2310:09664).
Figure 8. Left to right: VLBA image of 3C84 at 1.4GHz, 7 mas resolution. VLA image at 1.5” resolution. HI 21cm absorption spectra from the VLA in the inner 1” region. ALMA CO velocity field of the circumnuclear disk plus the VLBA 330 MHz image (Morganti et al. arXiv:2309:10358).
Figure 9. VLA polarimetric imaging of Hydra A, from left to right: total intensity at 2GHz, 1” resolution; magnetic field vectors; rotation measures; depolarization at 6 GHz from 3” to 0.5” resolution (Baidoo et al. 2023, ApJ 955, 16).
Figure 10. Top: images of dust continuum (non-detection), possible [OIII] 88um emission, and the JWST near-IR image of a z ~ 16 JWST galaxy candidate (Fujimoto ea. 2023, ApJ, 955, 130). Bottom: ALMA spectrum.
Figure 11. Left: An image of the core and bright knot in the core-jet in M81* at 22 GHz with a resolution of 0.4 mas, plus the spectral index between 22 GHz and 44 GHz. Center: fractional polarization of the system at 8.8 GHz plus polarization vectors. Right: measure proper motion of the knot (Wang et al. 2023, arXiv:2310.08902).
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