U.S. Virtual Observatory Alliance Annual Meeting

Wednesday, 6 January 2016, 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. EST
AAS Meeting Venue: Gaylord Palms Convention Center, St. George 114 

Kissimmee, Florida

The U.S. Virtual Observatory Alliance (USVOA) is a U.S.-wide open collaboration endorsed by the American Astronomical Society (AAS) to expand and promote VO tools and services. The USVOA is also the U.S. project of the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA), the global effort to facilitate VO standards and goals. 

The USVOA will hold its next annual face-to-face meeting at the January 2016 AAS meeting in Kissimmee, Florida. We will report on both U.S. and international activities for the past year, and describe planned initiatives for the coming year. We will solicit questions and concerns, and will work to answer or resolve them where we can, and will carry items related to the international project to the IVOA for further discussion.  

We encourage everyone interested to attend, from those who are casually interested to those more directly embedded in VO developments.

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.