Facilities > ALMA/NAASC






ALMA Status:


NA ALMA Student Observing Support Opportunity, Cycle 11  

The North American ALMA Science Center is making funds available to support student research on ALMA Cycle 11 projects.  Students enrolled at U.S. universities and colleges are eligible for funding. This opportunity is part of the NRAO Student Observing Support (SOS) Program and provides awards on a competitive basis.   SOS awards are subject to a cap of $40,000 per investigator, per year. Eligible expenses include a student stipend, computing hardware, and student travel to present ALMA results at a domestic conference.  Awards are determined by a committee of scientists external to NRAO.  Factors used to determine awards include the science grade of the observing project, the importance of the student's role in the project, and the need for funding. Investigators in the U.S. from any approved Cycle 11 project may apply.  The deadline to apply is September 20, 2024 and results are expected to be announced in October 2024. The application form and more information are available at: https://science.nrao.edu/facilities/opportunities/student-programs/sos 

Cycle 11 ALMA Events

Data Processing Workshops

ALMA Ambassadors will host data processing workshops across North America in September–November 2024. More information: https://science.nrao.edu/facilities/alma/community/


Data Reduction Support

The North American ALMA Science Center (NAASC) provides travel and lodging support during your visit to NRAO headquarters in Charlottesville, VA from investigators of successful ALMA programs or archival researchers.  If you need any help in reducing your data, or just a quiet week away in Central Virginia to finish writing up your next ALMA paper, consider coming for a face-to-face visit to work closely with our data analysts and scientific staff.  For more information and to request a visit, please see https://science.nrao.edu/facilities/alma/visits and submit a ticket to the face-to-face visits department of the ALMA Helpdesk. Come visit us!

Reach out to the NAASC

You can also consult with our EPO team (jmalusky@nrao.edu) to see if your results would have broader public interest and to explore outreach opportunities.

Feedback on ALMA data analysis tools is greatly appreciated. Please communicate any obstacles encountered in the path from data delivery to publication by submitting a Helpdesk ticket. In particular, has a lack of computing resources, software for analysis, visualization, plotting, or other "tools" proven to be a difficulty? NRAO thanks you in advance for your feedback.


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