



ALMA Status:

North America-Taiwan Joint ALMA Science Workshop

We are pleased to announce the third North America-Taiwan joint ALMA Science Workshop, happening June 16-20, 2025 in ASIAA.The abstract submission and registration are open, with an abstract submission deadline of February 21st, 2025 (extended deadline)

This event will be an opportunity to present new ALMA scientific results in all scientific topics, with specific highlights on Band 1 and Wideband Sensitivity Upgrade (WSU) science opportunities.

This workshop provides an opportunity to share the frontier scientific results with the goals of demonstrating the usage of Band 1 and of demonstrating the impact of the WSU in the near future. Participants are encouraged to lead or sign up for splinter sessions, which are aimed to boost collaborations or dedicated to solving specific topics of interest.

Note that NAASC travel support is available for US and Canada-affiliated early-career attendees (graduate students and post-docs).


NAASC-supported events in FY25

Each year, the NAASC provides funding and general support to conferences and workshops in the North American scientific community. For Fiscal Year 2025, awards have been issued to the following events:

 We continue to accept applications to this program for events in FY25, for requests lower than $5000. Please see this page for details on eligibility and applications. 

In addition, since 2017, NRAO has been a key corporate sponsor of the yearly International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy Meeting (ISMS), playing a vital role in enhancing the overall attendee experience in numerous ways. The organization also supports the ISMS mixer, offering students a casual setting to connect with peers and explore career opportunities outside academia. Additionally, NRAO contributes to several event essentials, including the ISMS Mobile App, the Plenary session venue, and amenities for the charter bus waiting area, such as refreshments

Data reduction support

The North American ALMA Science Center (NAASC) provides travel and lodging support during your visit to NRAO headquarters in Charlottesville, VA, for North-American supported investigators or archival researchers.  If you need any help in reducing your data, or just a quiet week away in Central Virginia to finish writing up your next ALMA paper, consider coming for a face-to-face visit to work closely with our data analysts and scientific staff.  For more information and to request a visit, please see and submit a ticket to the face-to-face visits department of the ALMA Helpdesk. Come visit us!

Reach out to the NAASC

You can also consult with our EPO team ( to see if your results would have broader public interest and to explore outreach opportunities.
Feedback on ALMA data analysis tools is greatly appreciated. Please communicate any obstacles encountered in the path from data delivery to publication by submitting a Helpdesk ticket. In particular, has a lack of computing resources, software for analysis, visualization, plotting, or other "tools" proven to be a difficulty? NRAO thanks you in advance for your feedback.


Contact Us :

More information about ways to contact us.

Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.