About NRAO > News > Community Day Applications Invited

Community Day Applications Invited

NRAO New Mexico is pleased to receive applications from universities and other institutes in North America to host a Community Day, during which NRAO staff will present Very Large Array (VLA) observing from proposal to data reduction. The main goal is to introduce the vastly enhanced capabilities of the new VLA to those with some background in radio interferometry ahead of the Feb 2013 proposal deadline. We therefore anticipate the first series of these community days to take place during the remainder of 2012 and Jan 2013. Through hands-on tutorials we will cover the basics of proposing, scheduling block preparation, data retrieval, and CASA data reduction. If there is enough interest we will cover some aspects of Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observing as well.

There will be no cost to your institute; all we ask you to provide is:

(a) a minimum of 12 participants, each of which is expected to bring a modern laptop capable of running CASA (details to follow). To reach this minimum you could consider inviting colleagues from other institutes in your area. We strongly recommend each participant register at my.nrao.edu ahead of time.

(b) a sufficiently large meeting room with typical modern audiovisual capabilities (projector) and Wi-Fi.

To apply, and for any further information, please contact Emmanuel Momjian (emomjian at nrao.edu).

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