CIRADA releases VLASS Epoch2 Catalogues

The first version of the Epoch 2 Quick Look Catalogue and Epoch 2 Single Epoch Catalogue for the Very Large Array Sky Survey (VLASS) have now been released to the public and communities by the Canadian Initiative for Radio Astronomy Data Analysis (CIRADA)Each catalogue consists of three tables: a Component Table, a Host ID Table, and Subtile Information Table that provides metadata on the quick-look images used to produce the catalogue. The single epoch catalogue also contains information about the spectral indices for the identified components. An enhanced “Catalogue User Guide” with a complete description of the catalogue production, data models and known data quality issues is also provided to the public and communities with the catalogues release. For more information, please click here

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.