Visiting New Mexico

NRAO-NM Visitor Registration

All visitors must register here: NRAO-NM Visitor Registration Form

Registration  is based on visitor type, please read the detailed descriptions of each visitor type and review the helpful links below.

Visitor Type Description

NRAO/AUI Official Visitors

Visitors invited to the observatory by NRAO/AUI staff for various purposes. This category includes prospective employees (interviewing for a position), collaborators, scientific visitors and observers, and other guests who may require onsite access and resources during their stay to include lodging, computing resources, and shared office space.

Helpful Links:

NRAO/AUI Employees

NRAO/AUI Employees traveling to NRAO-NM facilities on observatory business from other NRAO/AUI sites. Employees visiting the NRAO ABQ office must register regardless of their home duty station.

New or prospective employees please register as Official Visitors.

Helpful Links:

NRAO/AUI Contractors/Vendors

Those who are visiting NRAO-NM facilities to perform work in accordance with established contracts and agreements with NRAO/AUI Purchasing, NRAO-NM Business, and/or NRAO-NM Operations. This includes all recurring maintenance to equipment and facilities.

Helpful Links:

New Mexico Tech (NMT) Visitors

Visitors to the NRAO-NM Guest House who are hosted by New Mexico Tech or their affiliates.

Helpful Links:

NRAO-NM Event/Day Registration

Visitors who need day access only to NRAO-NM facilities for specific events and activities. This includes recurring and one-time events. This category pertains to conference or meeting attendees, fitness classes, and talks. This category should also be used for family members of NRAO/AUI employees who are visiting for personal or official business.

Helpful Links:

Public Visitors

Visitors to our public facilities, such as the VLA site and Visitors Center. Note, the VLA site remains closed to the public at this time.

Helpful Links:

Host Responsibilities

All visitors must have an NRAO-NM or New Mexico Tech (NMT) host designated for their visit. Host responsibilities vary depending on visitor type and are essential to ensuring visitor safety and comfort while in our facilities.

Please review the checklists linked below before inviting visitors to our facilities.

NRAO-NM Host Checklist

NMT Host Checklist


Questions? Contact us at

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.