ALMA Data Reduction Workshop at the University of Virginia

Date: September 19-20, 2024
Time: 9am - 1pm
Location: Department of Astronomy, University of Virginia
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) and ALMA Ambassadors cordially invite you to an ALMA Data Processing Workshop. This event is designed for all astronomers, from seasoned ALMA users to those who do not regularly utilize radio data in their research or have no radio background. We encourage participation from graduate students and junior postdocs, but we welcome astronomers at all levels of experience. The one-day workshop will provide an overview of ALMA interferometric data processing and analysis, including: imaging and self-calibration with CASA, imaging array combinations, and data visualization with CARTA.
Registration is free, but we'd greatly appreciate it if you could sign up before September 13th so that we have an accurate count for lunches.
We look forward to seeing you at the University of Virginia!
- Erica Behrens and Mélisse Bonfand-Caldeira (ALMA Ambassadors)
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