VEGAS - 8 Banks available - Oct 11, 2015
All eight VEGAS banks are now available as of Oct 11, 2015. With a caveat (see below), this means that any observer who has been waiting for the full 8 banks (i.e KFPA, or someone wanting 64 spectral windows) can now enabled their projects / sessions. Please contact your project friend if you wish to have more information.
Currently there is a switch in the Converter Module which can result in low power levels for some observations. We are avoiding this switch by not allowing Optical Drive 5 to be used for most receivers. For KFPA observations you should ask the operator to remove "Optical Driver 5 from the devhealth.conf file". This will allow all beams of the KFPA to be routed to VEGAS. However, the LCP of beams 3 and 7 may experience low power levels.
We are currently working on finding a replacement part for this back switch and hope to have this repaired in a few weeks.
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