
Data Reduction Workshop Socorro

August 18:  we have currently reached our limit, but we encourage those interested to register anyway in case space become available through cancellations

NRAO is organizing a Data Reduction Workshop from 14 - 16 September 2011 at the Pete V. Domenici Science Operations Center in Socorro, NM.  The aim of the workshop is to help participants cope with the new challenges posed by the increasing power and complexity of the EVLA.  The focus will be on reducing data taken in the upcoming EVLA D-configuration (September 2011 - January 2012), and we particularly invite those with approved observing proposals during that period.

Local constraints require us to limit the total number of attendees to 40.  If the number of registrations exceeds 40 we will give precedence to those who have been given observing time in the next D-configuration.

This is an advanced workshop, and unlike our Synthesis Imaging Workshops, is not intended for those who are new to radio interferometry.  Prior experience with AIPS, CASA, or Miriad is required.  We will be using CASA as our main data reduction package, but may use AIPS as well for some process steps, as needed.  A working knowledge of CASA would be helpful.  During the workshop it is our intention to use CASA revision 15979 (which is the current stable at the DSOC).

We will provide the necessary computing hardware to accommodate two participants per workstation.

There is no registration fee, and we provide no transportation to Socorro.  For directions, please refer to our Directions and Maps page.  The most common way to get from Albuquerque airport to Socorro is either by rental car, or by calling Socorro Taxi (1-800-991-4276) at least 24 hours ahead of time.  Finally, there is the New Mexico Railrunner (nmrailrunner.com), but it does not run frequently, and does not go further then Belen (half-way Albuquerque and Socorro).

Note that the next Synthesis Imaging Workshop is being planned for summer 2012.

Questions? E-mail us at evladrworkshop@nrao.edu

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.