Continuing Opportunity: Joint Observations with Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope
Agreements for Joint Observations with the NRAO were made before the observatory was split into three: NRAO, GBO, and LBO. Access to the Joint Observing program will continue for the GBT and VLBA, at least for semester 18A. Since the arrangements were made through the NRAO, the documentation below does not directly mention the GBO or LBO.
We remind the community that it is possible to propose for observing time on NRAO facilities through the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope Joint Proposal Opportunity or the Cooperative Proposal Opportunity. For Fermi, which is primarily in sky-survey mode, potential observers may propose for NRAO observations that make use of the Fermi survey data even without re-pointing of the Fermi satellite. The actual amount of NRAO observing time allocated via the Joint Fermi Process depends on the amount of proposal pressure and the scientific quality of the proposals. A maximum of 10% of the NRAO open skies observing time is made available on the VLA, the VLBA and the GBT, or up to 400-650 hours per year on each telescope. Details about joint observations with Fermi and the VLA, the VLBA or the GBT may be found here.
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