Schedsoc Home Page
This page contains information from the VLA/VLBA Scheduling Managers in Socorro, New Mexico, for astronomers and for schedulers of other telescopes.
:: Current Status of the VLA :: UP |
:: Current Status of the VLBA :: UP Stations Currently Down: None |
Proposing for the VLA and VLBA
- Call for Proposals
- VLA Proposing Guide
- VLBA, HSA and GMVA Proposal Guide
- General Proposal Submission Tool (PST) Guide
- VLA Configuration Plans and Proposal Deadlines
- Time Allocation Committee (TAC) Meeting Report and Science Program per Semester
- VLA Prioritizer Memo
- VLA/VLBA Observing for University Classes or Summer Programs
Observing with the VLA and VLBA
- VLA Observing Pressure Histogram (updated daily)
- Guide to Observing with the VLA
- Guide to VLBA Dynamic Scheduling
- List of what has been observing on the VLA for the last 12 hours (updates every 10 minutes)
Monthly Schedules
- Current VLA (displayed in mountain time)
- Current VLBA (displayed in UT)
- Preliminary Future VLA (displayed in mountain time)
- Preliminary Future VLBA (displayed in UT)
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