CASA Radio Analysis Workshop -- Caltech, 19-20 January 2012

Caltech CASA Radio Analysis Workshop

Note that all talks have been posted to the Program page.

NRAO, in conjunction with Caltech and IPAC, is pleased to present a workshop on the analysis of EVLA and ALMA data with the CASA software package. This workshop will be held at Caltech, in room 410 of the Keith Spalding Building, from 19-20 January 2012. (Note that Google Maps has this building in the incorrect place: it is 1200 California Ave., which is also incorrect in Google Maps, but can be located as Building 6 on this PDF campus map.) No prior knowledge of CASA or radio analysis is needed.

The workshop will include both presentations and hands-on sessions. The presentations will cover topics such as:

  • Interferometry basics
  • Introduction to the CASA package
  • CASA data structures
  • EVLA reduction techniques
  • ALMA reduction techniques
  • Scripting CASA with Python
  • Writing CASA tasks

The hands-on sessions will give participants the opportunity to reduce data using our online tutorials, which include both EVLA and ALMA topics, as well as to practice writing CASA scripts and tasks. Participants should plan to bring their own laptop to take part in the hands-on sessions.

Although there is no registration fee, registration is necessary to take part in this workshop. Please register here. Registration will be capped at 40 participants.

See the Program for the daily schedule, as well as a list of the tutorials we will be using.

Feel free to email Miriam Krauss with any questions (mkrauss at

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.