
Registration is open June 20 - August 15, 2014

Meeting Dates: September 2 - 5, 2014

NRAO Charlottesville Headquarters
520 Edgemont Road
Charlottesville, Virginia



Registration Options


Participants StudentsGuests

Registration Fee

  • Registration purchased
    July 1 - August 15: $150

Registration Fee Includes:

  • Daily lunch and breaks

Additional Options:

  • Pre-meeting Get-together at Blue Mountain Brewery (Self-pay)
  • MegaSAGE Dinner ($50)

Student Registration

  • Registration fee waived for the first 10 validated students

  • All subsidized student spaces are full - students who wish to attend may still do so by registering as participants.

Additional Options:

  • Pre-meeting Get-together at Blue Mountain Brewery (Self-pay)
  • MegaSAGE Dinner ($50)

Guest Options:

  • Pre-meeting Get-together at Blue Mountain Brewery (Self-pay)
  • MegaSAGE Dinner

Event Information

Times subject to change

Pre-meeting Get-together
Monday, September 1
Blue Mountain Brewery
Meet in the Edgemont Road parking lot at 3:30pm to car pool

MegaSAGE Meeting
September 2 - 5
NRAO Charlottesville Headquarters

Workshop Dinner - Time/Place TBD

Self-pay Event: Pre-Meeting Get-together
Blue Mountain Brewery

Monday, September 1 3:30pm
Meet at the Edgemont Road parking lot to carpool into the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Parking at Blue Mountain Brewery is extremely limited. Therefore it is essential that you notify us of your intention to participate ahead of time and take part in the carpool arrangements. Virginia law limits the sale of alcohol to 21+.


All changes, questions and comments: Registration Support.


Cancellations and Refunds


Workshop Registration Refunds

Refunds requested prior to Friday, August 1 , 2014 will incur a $15.00 refund fee per transaction.

Refunds requested during August 1 - August 15, 2014 will incur a refund fee of $75.00.

Refunds will not be issued after Friday, August 15, 2014.


MegaSAGE Dinner Refunds

Refunds requested prior to Friday, August 15, 2014 will incur a $15.00 refund fee per transaction.

Refunds will not be issued after Friday, August 15, 2014.


Email Registration Support to cancel your registration or with any questions.


How to Register

Clicking the "Register Now" button, below, will connect you to NRAO's hosted registration site, Follow these instructions to complete your registration:

1. Ensure that both cookies and javascript are enabled in your browser.

2. You will need to create an account if you have not previously created one

Register Now For MegaSAGE Meeting 7

Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.