China-U.S. Workshop, 2015

The Fourth China-U.S. Workshop on Radio Astronomy Science and Technology:

October 14-16, 2015

Shanghai Astronomical Observatory

Shanghai, China

NRAO and the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO) are organizing the fourth in a series of China-U.S. radio astronomy workshops, titled "Scientific and Technical Drivers for the Next Generation of Radio Telescopes."  The workshop will be held at SHAO in Shanghai from October 14-16, 2015.

The purpose of the workshop is to build and strengthen collaborations between the US and Chinese radio astronomy communities. The workshop will feature talks on both science and instrumentation, with a focus on projects that will feed into the next generation of radio astronomy facilities, including FAST as well as ngVLA and future VLBI capabilities.

The workshop web site hosted in China can be found at

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.