Invited Speakers

Caitlin Casey
University of Texas, Austin
Galaxy Formation and Evolution I: Cosmic Evolution
Linda Tacconi
Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics
Galaxy Formation and Evolution II: Gas & Star Formation Properties
Masatoshi Imanishi
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Galactic Centers (<1 kpc): Star formation, AGN, Black Holes & ULIRGs
Karin Sandstrom
University of California, San Diego
Nearby Galaxies I: Normal Galaxies
Kazushi Sakamoto
Nearby Galaxies II: Starburst & Super Star Clusters
Qizhou Zhang
Harvard-Smithsonian CfA
Massive Star Formation
Adele Plunkett
Low Mass Star Formation
Jeong-Eun Lee
Kyung Hee University
Chemical Evolution During Star and Planet Formation
Laura Perez
Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy
Protostellar Disks & Planet Formation
Brenda Matthews
NRC Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics
Transition and Debris Disks
Liz Humphreys
Stars and Stellar Evolution
Arielle Moullet
Solar System
Klaus Pontoppidan
Space Telescope Science Institute
Synergy between ALMA and JWST
Pierre Cox
ALMA after 5 Years
John Carpenter
Future ALMA
Al Wootten
Future ALMA
Neal Evans
University of Texas, Austin
Future ALMA
Anneila Sargent
Conference Summary

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