New Horizons in Planetary Systems

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The 2019 meeting “New Horizons in Planetary Systems” is a science conference jointly organized by NRC Herzberg in Victoria, BC and NRAO in Charlottesville, VA under the auspices of the NAASC (North American ALMA Science Center). This meeting will have a broad scope, including planetary systems in formation within protoplanetary disks, minor objects in the solar system, debris disks and exoplanets, with a focus on, but not limited to, ALMA observations and/or talks related to areas of ALMA observations. As the name suggests, we plan to highlight results from the New Horizons spacecraft, which will have its KBO flyby in January 2019.

The science organization of this meeting has strived to invite speakers from across the EM spectrum, so the meeting is not limited to ALMA experts or uniquely ALMA science areas. Invited speakers have been asked to give broadly accessible review talks. We encourage all those interested in the science scope of the meeting to attend and submit abstracts for contributed talks and posters.

Meeting attendance will be capped at 250 participants. This is a hard cap, and registrants interested in the meeting once the cap is reached will be placed on a waitlist.

Invited Speakers

  • Diana Dragomir (MIT Kavli Institute) – Review of early results from the TESS mission
  • Brett Gladman (University of British Columbia) - Review of theoretical work on late planet formation / small bodies/KBOs / exoplanets and their connection to planet formation
  • Grant Kennedy (Warwick University/University of Cambridge) - Review of debris disk observations and constraints they place on planet formation
  • Heather Knutson (Caltech) - Review of exoplanet atmospheric composition, with relation to planet formation processes
  • Emmanuel Lellouch (Observatoire de Paris) – Review of millimetre observations of solar system objects
  • Karin Öberg (Harvard University) – Review of protoplanetary disk composition / chemistry
  • John Spencer (Southwest Research Institute) – Review of the New Horizons mission and first results on KBO flyby
  • Geronimo Villanueva (NASA Goddard) - Review of cometary chemistry and early planet formation
  • Zhaohuan Zhu (University of Nevada Las Vegas) – Review of protoplanetary disk structure


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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.