Science > Meetings > 2020 > 17th Synthesis Imaging Workshop > Additional Resources

Additional Resources

Resources on radio interferometry

Here is a list of open access resources on the theory of radio interferometry, including the NRAO Synthesis Imaging Book II. 

Synthesis Imaging in Radio Astronomy II (eds. Taylor, Carilli & Perley)

Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio Astronomy (Thompson, Moran & Swenson Jr.)


Basic navigation in Unix/Linux systems

If you requested NRAO computing resources, but are not familiar with Unix/Linux systems, please go through the resources listed below to gain knowledge of command-line basic navigation in these operating systems (through terminal/konsole, bash or c shell).

One of a good links is this one curated by University of Surrey. The most important parts that are needed to complete the SIW data reduction tasks are Tutorial One (all) and Two (sections 2.1-2.4):

Another good one is this one from the ubuntu distribution (including some history):

and this one (although a bit more advanced):