NRAO at AAS244 in Madison, Wisconsin


The following sessions and opportunities at the winter June 2024 American Astronomical Society (AAS 243) meeting will showcase the National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Green Bank Observatory in Madison, Wisconsin.

The Block Schedule meeting program for the conference is now available.

NRAO and e-Learning will be shown at the meeting on Tuesday, June 11th at 10am.

CARTA will be shared with the membership at 9:30am on Tuesday, June 11th.

The NRAO and Green Bank Observatory tables will be in the exhibit hall for the duration of the conference.  Please visit The Observatories to learn about observing opportunities, science, student programs, and ways to be involved.

Follow the NRAO (FB, X, LinkedIn, Instagram) and GBO (FB, X, LinkedIn, Instagram) to learn about the latest events happening at the conference.


Session Date Time Location

NRAO and GBO Exhibit - Opening Reception

Sunday, June 9th


Exhibit Hall

Circumstellar Disk Lifetimes

     Press Conference

Monday, June 10th


Press Room F

CARTA:  The Cube Analysis and Rendering Tool for Astronomy

Tuesday, June 11th


Exb Theater

SuperKnova:  Broadening Participation in STEM through E-Learning

Tuesday, June 11th


Ballroom A

Dust-free Clouds in the Galactic Disk with Toney Minter, GBO

     Press Conference

Tuesday, June 11th


Press Room F

Twin Jets and Disks:  JWST MIRI and ALMA Discoveries

     Press Conference

Wednesday, June 12th


Press Room F

NRAO and GBO Exhibit - Closing Reception

Thursday, June 13th


Exhibit Hall




Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.