Science > Meetings > 2024 > IAU General Assembly XXXII 2024

IAU General Assembly XXXII 2024 in Cape Town, South Africa

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Green Bank Observatory will showcase the best in radio astronomy and science at the IAU General Assembly XXXII in Cape Town, South Africa, August 6-15, 2024.

NRAO will participate in A Coherent View of Atomic and Molecular Gas from Infrared to Radio Wavelengths, Focus Meeting 2.

Attend The Future of Radio Astronomy in an Increasingly Crowded Spectrum, Focus Meeting 5.

The NRAO and Green Bank Observatory will be in the front of the exhibit hall for the entire conference.  Please visit to learn about science, research, and student opportunities.

Scientists from NRAO will be giving talks and posters at different symposia and focus meetings during the conference.

Follow the NRAO (FB, X, LinkedIn, Instagram) and GBO (FB, X, LinkedIn, Instagram) to learn about the latest events happening at the conference.