The VLA-ANGST Galaxy Sample

The VLA-ANGST sample is based on the volume-filled galaxy survey ANGST, the ACS Nearby Galaxy Survey (Dalcanton et al. 2009). The survey fills a volume of up to 3.5Mpc distance with cones out to 4Mpc, but excludes Local Group galaxies. From the 89 ANGST galaxies, VLA-ANGST is a subset with objects that are known to contain HI or show signs of active star formation. We also exclude galaxies that are too far south or those that were observed in the THINGS program. Of the 34 VLA-ANGST galaxies, we detect HI in 29.

Below we list the VLA-ANGST galaxies. We show the galaxy names, alternative names, the central, equatorial coordinates, distances, optical diameters at 25 mag arcsec-2, absolute B magnitude, 3.6 m infrared luminosities, and star formation rates based on UV measurements.

NameAlt. NameRA DECDistanceDiameterMBνLν (3.6μm)TypeSFR
(J2000)(J2000)(Mpc)(kpc)(mag)(106 Lo)Mo yr-1
NGC 247 ESO 540-G022, UGCA 11 00:47:08.3 -20:45:36 3.50 15.7 -17.86 270.52 7 229
DDO 6 ESO 540-G031, UGCA 15 00:49:49.3 -21:00:58 3.31 1.6 -12.41 ... 10 1.4
NGC 404 UGC 718 01:09:26.9 35:43:03 3.05 2.2 -16.21 ... -1 6.6
KKH 37 LEDA 95597 06:47:45.8 80:07:26 3.26 1.1a -11.17 0.69 10 0.3
UGC 4483 CGCG 331-051 08:37:03.0 69:46:31 3.41 1.2 -12.71 0.57 10 4.0
KK 77 LEDA 166101 09:50:10.0 67:30:24 3.55 2.5a -11.45 ... -3 ...
BK3N PGC 28529 09:53:48.5 68:58:09 3.86 0.6 -9.15 <0.03 10 0.3
AO 0952+69b Arp's Loop 09:57:29.0 69:16:20 3.78 2.0 -11.09 ... 10 1.1
Sextans B UGC 5373, DDO 70 10:00:00.1 05:19:56 1.39 2.1 -13.87 2.48 10 4.5
NGC 3109 ESO 499-G036, DDO 236 10:03:07.2 -26:09:36 1.26 6.2 -15.11 12.40 10 28.7
Antlia PGC 29194 10:04:04.0 -27:19:55 1.29 0.8 -9.36 ... 10 1.8
KDG 63 UGC 5428, DDO71 10:05:07.3 66:33:18 3.53 1.7 -11.73 1.36 -3 ...
Sextans A UGCA 205, DDO 075 10:11:00.8 -04:41:34 1.38 2.2 -13.84 1.82 10 12.3
HS 117 ... 10:21:25.2 71:06:58 3.82 1.7 -11.41 1.08 10 ...
DDO 82 UGC 5692 10:30:35.0 70:37:10 3.80 3.8 -14.33 ... 9 2.6
KDG 73 PGC 32667 10:52:55.3 69:32:45 4.03 0.7 -10.94 0.81 10 0.3
NGC 3741 UGC 6572 11:36:06.4 45:17:07 3.24 1.9 -13.17 1.29 10 6.2
DDO 99 UGC 6817 11:50:53.0 38:52:50 2.59 3.1 -13.37 1.43 10 5.5
NGC 4163 NGC 4167, UGC 7199 12:12:08.9 36:10:10 2.86 1.6 -13.65 3.66 10 4.0
NGC 4190 UGC 07232 12:13:44.6 36:38:00 3.50c 1.7 -14.20 5.80 10 10.1
DDO 113 UGCA 276 12:14:57.9 36:13:08 2.95 1.3 -11.65 0.61 10 ...
MCG +09-20-131 CGCG 269-049 12:15:46.7 52:23:15 1.60d 0.6 -10.72 ... 10 0.4
DDO 125 UGC 7577 12:27:41.8 43:29:38 2.58 3.2 -14.11 4.15 10 5.3
UGCA 292 PGC 42275 12:38:40.0 32:46:00 3.62 1.1 -11.69 0.48 10 2.9
GR 8 UGC 8091, DDO 155 12:58:40.4 14:13:03 2.08 0.7 -11.98 0.34 10 2.4
UGC 8508 I Zw 60 13:30:44.4 54:54:36 2.58 1.3 -12.94 1.40 10 ...
DDO 181 UGC 8651 13:39:53.8 40:44:21 3.14 2.1 -13.03 1.51 10 3.8
DDO 183 UGC 8760 13:50:51.1 38:01:16 3.22 2.1 -13.09 1.63 9 3.2
KKH 86 LEDA 2807150 13:54:33.6 04:14:35 2.59 0.5a -10.19 0.22 10 0.1
UGC 8833 PGC 49452 13:54:48.7 35:50:15 3.08 0.8 -12.29 0.60 10 1.4
KK 230 KKR 3 14:07:10.7 35:03:37 1.97 0.3a -8.57 0.05 10 0.2
DDO 187 UGC 9128 14:15:56.5 23:03:19 2.21 1.1 -12.34 0.39 10 1.1
DDO 190 UGC 9240 14:24:43.5 44:31:33 2.79 1.5 -14.13 3.12 10 6.1
KKR 25 LEDA 2801026 16:13:47.6 54:22:16 1.93 0.6a -9.98 <0.02 10 ...
KKH 98 LEDA 2807157 23:45:34.0 38:43:04 2.54 0.8a -10.32 0.40 10 0.6
  • tip of the red giant branch distances, diameters, and T-Type taken from Dalcanton, J.~J., et al.  2009, ApJS, 183, 67
  • blue magnitudes from Karachentsev, I. D., Karachentseva, V. E., Huchtmeier, W. K., & Makarov, D. I. 2004, AJ, 127, 2031
  • infrared fluxes taken from Dale, D. A., et al. 2009, ApJ, 703, 517
  • SFR converted from GALEX FUV asymptotic magnitudes given by Lee, J. C., et al. 2011, ApJS, 192, 6
  • a for the KK-listed objects, the diameters are taken at a 26.5 mag arcsec-2 surface brightness level
  • b object might be a feature in the spiral arm of M 81 rather than a galaxy
  • c TRGB distance from Karachentsev, I. D., Karachentseva, V. E., Huchtmeier, W. K., & Makarov, D. I. 2004, AJ, 127, 2031
  • d the TRGB branch was not unambiguously identified in Dalcanton, J.~J., et al.  2009, ApJS, 183, 67

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