VLASS at AAS242 Abstracts
Explorers Guide to the VLA Sky Survey
Splinter Session
Creating a Neural Network to Classify VLASS Objects
Brian R. Kent (NRAO)
The VLA Sky Survey will generate a suite of data products
for the astronomical community. These products include high resolution images and a catalog of millions of previously unresolved sources. In order to facilitate basic classification of these objects, we will show users how to build a neural network using Keras and the TensorFlow framework. This deep learning exercise is common in the field of machine learning. We will import a subset of VLASS data into a Jupyter notebook in Google Colab, while understanding basic data input requirements and manipulation in order to leverage TensorFlow. We will build a model with various layers in order to optimize our neural network, understand how to accelerate the fitting process, and analyze our resulting classification predictions for model refinement.
Talk material can be found here.
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