
11:00AM-11:30AM: Introductions and Overview
  • I will give a brief overview of what will be covered, the ALMA ambassador program, and then spend time introducing ourselves, our ALMA-related interests, and experience with ALMA.
11:30AM-12:00PM: ALMA Capabilities
  •  What capabilities are available in Cycle 6 (and what will be available in Full Operations in Cycle 7)? What is new? 
12:00PM-12:30PM: Proposal Preparation
  • How is ALMA structured and how does Australia fit in? What do you need before beginning a proposal? I'll go over tips and suggestions for proposals and review the time allocation results from Cycle 5.
12:30PM-1:30PM: Lunch and Discussion
  • Time to discuss your ALMA proposal(s) and experiences with ALMA data! 
1:30PM-2:30PM: Interactive OT Tutorial
  • We’ll walk through the Cycle 6 version of the OT. I’ll review some of the improvements from earlier Cycles at the beginning and then you can either follow along with a mock proposal, or you can begin working on your own and ask questions as you go.
2:30PM-3:00PM: ALMA Data: CASA, Data Products, Archive, etc.
  • I’ll briefly cover the highlights of the current state of imaging with CASA, data products, and the ALMA archive.

Download ALMA OT here

Download CASA 5.1.1 here.

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.