
Venue: The workshop will be held in the Library Nicanor Parra (room B41) at the Universidad Diego Portales (UDP). This is a block away from the Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias (home of the UDP’s Núcleo de Astronomía). The address of the Library is Vergara 324, Santiago, Chile.

Maps, Directions and Parking: Instructions for parking and directions will be provided soon. In the meantime, if you have a question please don’t hesitate to e-mail the organizer. Note parking will be limited.

Lunch: Lunch will be provided for the first 30 (TBD) registered participants. Please register before March 21st, so we can ensure that the appropriate amount of food is ordered.

Language: The formal language of the workshop will be English, unless there is an overall consensus to do it in Spanish.

For the hands-on session in the afternoon, it is convenient if all participants have installed and tested CASA 5.1.1 and the ALMA Observing Tool <https://almascience.nrao.edu/proposing/observing-tool><https://almascience.nrao.edu/proposing/observing-tool> (Cycle 6 OT will be available after March 20th) on their laptops beforehand.


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