Venue: The workshop will be held in the Auditorium of the Astronomy Department of the Universidad de Concepción. The address is Avenida Esteban Iturra s/n, Casilla 160-C, Concepción.
Maps: The location of the venue can be found here
Lunch: Lunch will be provided for the registered participants. Please register before March 15th, so we can ensure that the appropriate amount of food is ordered.
Language: The formal language of the workshop will be English, unless there is an overall consensus to do it in Spanish.
For the hands-on session in the afternoon, it is convenient if all participants have installed and tested the following software on their laptops beforehand:
1. CASA 5.4.0 (under the "pipelines" ALMA column). Download here.
2. The ALMA Observing Tool. Download here (Cycle 7 OT will be available after March 19th).
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