
The Florida Tech campus is situated on the east coast of Central Florida in Brevard County, site of Kennedy Space Center. Less than one hour from Disney World, the Space Coast occupies 72 miles of Atlantic coastline -- Orlando's closest beaches.  FIT is in Melbourne, at the heart of the Space Coast.

US Airways and Delta Airlines fly directly into Melbourne airport (10 minutes drive or cab ride to campus or either hotel).  It is also possible to fly into Orlando airport (1 hour from campus) if one wants a more direct flight.  Please see http://www.fit.edu/visitors/ for more information about visiting Florida Tech and the Space Coast. 

A map of the Florida Tech campus can be found at http://www.fit.edu/map/.  FIT's Physics and Space Sciences Department is located in the F. W. Olin Physical Sciences Center, and all sessions will be held nearby in the F. W. Olin Life Sciences Building. 

Rooms have been reserved at two hotels:

Hilton Rialto Place, 200 Rialto Place, Melbourne, FL 32901
(2 miles from campus, offers a complimentary shuttle for travel to FIT)
Rooms are $105 per night; for this rate, reservations need to be made by Feb. 20, but the rates for reservations made later are still reasonable

Direct reservation link:

Alternately: 1-800-HILTONS (1800-445-8667) or Hotel direct at 321-768-0200, group code FIT

Crowne Plaza Melbourne Oceanfront, 2605 North A1A, Melbourne, FL 32903
(7 miles from campus, but directly on the beach)
Rooms are $119 per night; for this rate, reservations need to be made by Feb. 20, but the rates for reservations made later are still reasonable

Direct reservation link:
Alternately:  1-877-2CROWNE (1-800-227-6963), group code FIT


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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.