

Visitors to STScI may park at the San Martin Center Garage, located approximately 1/8 mile south of the Space Telescope Science Institute. Visitors requiring parking should proceed to the front desk and obtain a parking ticket for the garage. This ticket should be used at the entrance gates to the garage; on entry through the first gate visitors should turn left and proceed through the second gate. You may park in any non-CIW reserved space. Please retain your ticket as it will be required to exit the garage.  A map and more info is available at: http://www.stsci.edu/institute/conference/resources/parking.html

Directions to the Space Telescope Science Institute

From the east, west or north

main map to stsci
  1. Take the beltway (I-695) toward Towson to I-83 south; take I-83 south to Exit 9 (Cold Spring Lane) eastbound.
  2. Take Cold Spring Lane east to Roland Ave. and turn right.
  3. At the fork at the first light on Roland, bear left, proceeding south on University Pkwy.
  4. Follow University Pkwy. for four additional lights; turn right at the fourth light, into the woods on San Martin Drive. (If you cross Charles St., you have missed the turn onto San Martin.)
  5. The Institute is the first building on the right.


From the south, taking Martin Luther King Blvd. to the Institute

From either route A or B, see detailed map for directions.

From I-95 north

  1. From I-95 north, take Exit 53 onto I-395 north.
  2. Take I-395 to exit for Martin Luther King Blvd. north.

From Md. 295 north (Russell St. in Baltimore)

  1. Md. 295 north becomes Russell St. in Baltimore; from Russell, take exit for Martin Luther King Blvd. north. (NOTE: The signs are small!) This puts you briefly on a service road that runs parallel to Russell.
  2. On service road, stay to the left to avoid being forced onto I-395 exit; take ramp for Martin Luther King Blvd.
  1. Take MLK Blvd. north until it ends at the light at Howard St. (Remain in one of the middle lanes of MLK Blvd. to avoid a premature forced right or left turn.)
  2. Turn left at Howard and proceed north about two miles to 29th St.
  3. One block past the light at 29th St., where Howard curves to the right and turns into Art Museum Dr., turn left at the traffic island onto Wyman Park Dr.
  4. Where Wyman Park Dr. curves hard to the left, bear right, into the woods on San Martin Drive.
  5. Follow San Martin Drive north approximately one mile to the Institute, the third building on the left.


Local Hotels

1. Doubletree Inn at the Colonnade

4 West University Parkway
Baltimore, MD 21218
Phone: 410-235-5400

2. Radisson Hotel at Cross Keys

5100 Falls Road
Baltimore MD 21210
Phone: 410-532-6900
(this hotel is located approximately 2.5 miles north of STScI)

Google link to additional area hotels


Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.