
Hardware & Software

-- To participate in a number of the sessions fully, we require you to bring a personal laptop and have downloaded and tested two software packages before the workshop. We will not have time on the day to go through downloading these and/or debug issues with your downloads. Whilst the situation may not be ideal, if you have issues with any installations, for the parts of the workshop requiring these installations, we will team you up with others.

For detailed instructions to download and test CARTA and CASA please follow this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jI0XWe80GUbz7AXQ5vRT-CWExU5XRHFgC8jhZNejHbg/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.vgq3gkwezjm1

-- Note: whilst we have provided an ALMA data set for the tutorials, if you wish to trial out tasks on your own data during the workshop this is absolutely fine with us. However, please first test this within either the CARTA/CASA environments using the test data (for TW Hya).

Traveling to the CfA

-- We highly recommend using public transport where possible. For those coming from out of town, Boston South Station is well-connected regionally by rail, and South Station to Harvard or Porter Square via the Red Line. Either of those T stations put you within walking distance of the CfA, however there are various buses that stop nearby to the CfA -- please see the MBTA web/app to plan your trip: https://www.mbta.com/.
-- Sadly we cannot reimburse travel costs for your trip.

-- For those coming by car, there are multiple parking options: parking is available at 60 Garden Street (but limited, and pay by the meter). There are spaces at 160 Concord Avenue at low cost (please email: elizabeth.shepard@cfa.harvard.edu to request a spot, and let Elizabeth know that this in relation to the workshop being run by Josh/Jakob on Oct 29th).
-- If you are coming from the same institution as other people, we would also encourage you to car-share.

Arriving at the CfA

-- The event will be held on the CfA's main site at 60 Garden Street. The event will be in the Pratt Conference Room, on the ground-floor of the P-building. When you enter the main 60 Garden Street entrance, immediately to your front left is a door to a staircase; take that one flight down, and follow the corridor to your right where we will be located.
-- Please make sure to arrive by 8.45am, so that we can get you connected to the WIFI and start the workshop at 9am
-- We hope to have coffee and snacks available from 8.45am.

Joining via Zoom

Please contact the organizers to request the Zoom link.

CfA Events and Meeting Conduct Policy

In coming to a meeting held at the CfA, all attendees are obliged to abide by the CfA Meetings and Events Conduct Policy which can be found here: https://www.cfa.harvard.edu/policies -- please read this before your arrival. These meeting rules apply equally to those in person and remotely.


We will be recording the meeting via zoom, with the 'Owl' enabled so that we can share the resources afterwards.

Connect with NRAO

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.