
All times are approximate. The Proposing for NRAO Instruments time slot between 11:35 and noon will consist of two parallel sessions, one focused on the ALMA Observing Tool (OT), and the other on the EVLA/VLBA/GBT Proposal Submission Tool (PST).  The plenary afternoon session will be EVLA focused (Observation Preparation Tool, CASA reduction of EVLA data) but should also be useful to those whose primary interest is ALMA.

0845-0900 Coffee

0900-0905 Welcome

0905-1035 Overview current and future capabilities - I

0905-0935 GBT overview (ppt, pdf)- Tony Remijan

0935-1005 EVLA overview (ppt, pdf) - Gustaaf van Moorsel

1005-1035 VLBA overview (ppt, pdf) - Emmanuel Momjian

1035-1055 Break

1055-1125 Overview current and future capabilities - II

1055-1125 ALMA overview (key, pdf)- Kim Scott

1125-1200 Proposing for NRAO instruments (parallel sessions)

The PST (EVLA, VLBA, GBT) (ppt, pdf) - Gustaaf van Moorsel

The OT (Observing Tool: ALMA) (ppt, pdf) - Tony Remijan

1200-1330 Lunch

1330-1430 The EVLA Observation Preparation Tool (ppt, pdf) - Emmanuel Momjian

1430-1445 The NRAO/EVLA online archive tool (ppt, pdf)- Emmanuel Momjian

1445-1515 Introduction to CASA  (ppt, pdf) - Emmanuel Momjian

1515-1530 Break

1530-1800 CASA Data reduction Tutorial (ppt, pdf) - Emmanuel Momjian

Connect with NRAO

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.