Green Bank Telescope (GBT) Proposals


The 2 February 2015 deadline is for the Semester 2015B GBT observing period: 1 August 2015 – 31 January 2016.

Details of all GBT observing modes are in the The Proposer's Guide for the Green Bank Telescope. Proposers should also consult the more general document The Performance of the GBT: A Guide for Planning Observations. Proposers should make sure that they are familiar with the latest versions of these documents before writing their proposal.

The GBT receivers, backends, and observing modes that are available in Semester 2015B are listed in Tables 1 and 2 below.

Table 1: GBT Receivers

Receiver Frequency Range
Prime Focus 1 290-920 MHz
Prime Focus 2 910-1230 MHz
L-band 1.15-1.73 GHz
S-band 1.73-2.60 GHz
C-band (shared risk) 3.8-8.0 GHz
X-band 8.0-11.6 GHz
Ku-band 12.0-15.4 GHz
K-band Focal Plane Array (7 pixels) 18.0-26.0 GHz
Ka-band 26.0-39.5 GHz
Q-band 38.2-49.8 GHz
W-band 67-93.3 GHz
MUSTANG 1.5 bolometer array (shared risk) 80-100 GHz
ARGUS (shared risk) 75-115.3 GHz, Private PI instrument

Table 2: GBT Backends and Observing Modes

Backend Observing Modes
Versatile Green Bank Astronomical Spectrometer (VEGAS) Continuum, pulsar, spectral line
Digital Continuum Receiver (DCR) Continuum
Green Bank Ultimate Pulsar Processing Instrument (GUPPI) Pulsar
Mark V Very Long Baseline Array Disk Recorder Very Long Baseline Interferometry
Caltech Continuum Backend (CCB) Continuum
JPL Radar backend Private PI instrument - Open for Public Use
Radar Private PI instrument

Continuum with VEGAS: All modes of VEGAS may now be used for continuum observations.  We were not able to update the Proposal Submission Tool to reflect this situation before the proposal call was released.  Proposers should use the spectral line modes of VEGAS to choose the desired bandwidth and then note in the technical justification that the observations will be for continuum measurements.

MUSTANG:  The MUSTANG bolometer array has undergone an upgrade. The receiver cryogenics has been redesigned such that the receiver can be kept cool at all elevations and allows observations below 30 degrees elevation. We will accept shared-risk proposals to help commission the upgraded Mustang bolometer array in the 15B semester.

ARGUS: Observers interested in shared-risk observations using the ARGUS instrument should contact the NRAO helpdesk for further information.  All ARGUS proposals must have permission from the instrument development team.

VLBI All Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) proposals requesting the GBT should include any needed setup and overhead time in the time request of their proposals.  HSA proposals requesting the GBT should provide a justification for needing large aperture antennas.

470-700 MHz RFI Digital TV transmissions above 470 MHz will make observing very difficult with the 450 and 600 MHz  feeds of the PF1 receiver. Available RFI plots do not show the strength of these signals as they overpower the system: they are too low by a factor of 10 to 50. Observers should consult the GBT support scientists before submitting a proposal for these feeds.

Mapping If you are considering mapping with the GBT such that there are major turns or moves (end of rows in raster map, change in position for pointed maps, etc.) that occur with a cadence faster than every 30 seconds, you will need to consult with a GBT support scientist to ensure that the GBT can safely withstand the stresses induced by the mapping motions.


The GBT is scheduled by the Dynamic Scheduling System (DSS). The DSS system is fully described in theGBT Proposer's Guide and the GBT Observer's Guide.

GBT Proposal Preparation

Proposers should consult the The Performance of the GBT: A Guide for Planning Observations and the GBT Observer's Guide. All proposers, including pulsar proposers, should use the GBT Sensitivity Calculator. Please see the Calculator’s User's Guide for instructions. The Sensitivity Calculator results can be cut and pasted into the Technical Justification section of the proposal. This will streamline the creation of your Technical Justification and will increase your chances of getting a positive technical review.

The GBT observing policies describe the telescope's remote observing restrictions.

Proposers requesting GBT participation in High Sensitivity Array (HSA), Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA), or global Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations should consult the VLBA, HSA, and VLBI section of this Call.

GBT Shared Risk Observing

Observers requesting instruments that are shared-risk will be expected to travel to Green Bank for observations. The observers will be expected to help commission the instruments, to help debug observing and data reduction software, as well as helping to develop data reduction and calibration schemes.

NRAO will accept shared-risk proposals in Semester 2015B from observers willing to help commission the upgraded Multiplexed SQUID TES Array at Ninety GHz (MUSTANG 1.5, 80-100 GHz) bolometer array. The GBT C-band receiver was upgraded to cover the 3.8-8.0 GHz frequency range. Proposals to use ARGUS (75-115.3 GHz) will also be accepted with the instrument development team's permission.  NRAO will consider shared-risk proposals for Semester 2015B observations with these receivers.

Limited Time for "Fixed" and "Windowed" Observations

Due to varied pressures on the GBT's schedule, the amount of time that can be accepted for fixed time observations (e.g. VLBI, pulsar transit observations, etc.) and windowed observations (e.g. monitoring observations) will be limited for the proposal call.

Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.