Joint Proposals

Joint Proposals Between the VLA, GBT, and VLBA

Observing programs that require combinations of the GBT, VLBA, and/or the VLA should submit a proposal for each of the requested telescopes. The same Scientific Justification should be submitted with each proposal, and it should contain a clear justification for each telescope requested.  The proposals will be reviewed and considered jointly by the Telescope Time Allocation Committee. VLBI proposals which request the GBT or VLA (or any other HSA telescope) as elements of the VLBI array do not need separate proposals---those telescopes can be selected as separate VLBI stations from a VLBA/HSA proposal.


Joint Proposals with External Facilities

Here we list opportunities for joint proposals with several external (non-AUI) facilities.  Agreements for Joint Observations with external facilities were made at different times across the boundaries when the NRAO was split into multiple observatories (NRAO, GBO, and LBO) in 2017, and when the LBO was reintegrated back into the NRAO in 2019.  Therefore, the agreements below will sometimes mention various combinations of the NRAO, GBO, and LBO.  Regardless, access to the Joint Observing program will continue for the VLA, VLBA, and GBT for semester 25A.

Joint Observations with ALMA

By agreement between the NRAO and the Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO), detailed in a Memorandum of Understanding, the NRAO can award up to 50 hours on the ALMA 12-m array, 50 hours on the 7-m array, and 50 hours on the Total Power array per cycle.  In return, the JAO can award up to 5% of the available time on the VLA per year. Proposals for joint NRAO and ALMA observations must be submitted to the observatory where more observing time is being requested.  N.B., specific technical information must be supplied for the Partner Observatory.  See the Joint Observations with ALMA page for details, including the available array configurations.

Joint Observations with JWST

By agreement between the NRAO and the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScl), detailed in a Memorandum of Understanding, the NRAO can award up to 50 hours of JWST observing time per year.  In return, STScI can award up to 5% of the NRAO scientific observing time on the VLA, VLBA, and GBT. Proposals for joint NRAO and JWST observations must be submitted to the observatory where more observing time is being requested.  N.B., specific technical information must be supplied for the Partner Observatory.   See the Joint Observations with JWST page for details.

Joint Observations with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST)

By agreement between the NRAO and the Space Telescope Science Institute, STScI can award up to 3% of the available time on NRAO's North American facilities to highly ranked proposals that request time on both HST and NRAO telescopes.  In return, STScI has offered 30 orbits of HST time for allocation by the NRAO TAC per year.   N.B.,  HST "Snapshot" observations are not supported under the HST-NRAO Joint program since there is no guarantee that Snapshot targets will be completed.  See the Joint Observations with HST page for details.

Joint Observations with Swift Gamma-Ray Burst Mission

To foster correlative observations, a joint Swift/NRAO observing program has been established, detailed in a Memorandum of Understanding. By this agreement, the Swift Program permits NRAO to award up to 300 kiloseconds of Swift observing time per year.   Similarly, NRAO permits the Swift Guest Investigator (GI) Program to award no more than 5% of the NRAO scientific observing time on the VLA, GBT and VLBA, or up to 200-300 hours per year on each telescope.  See the Joint Observations with Swift page for details.

Joint Observations with Chandra X-ray Observatory

The community has the opportunity to propose for observing time on NRAO facilities through a joint program with the Chandra X-ray Observatory.  Proposers to the NRAO have the opportunity to request time on Chandra, to be awarded on the recommendation of the NRAO Telescope Time Allocation Committee (TAC) and approved by the NRAO Director. Up to 120 ksec will be made available to NRAO proposers annually.  The NRAO has allocated up to 3% of the open skies observing time on the VLA, the VLBA, and the GBT for Chandra joint proposals.

Due to Chandra's increasingly challenging thermal constraints, the amount of Chandra exposure time available for High Ecliptic Latitude (HEL) targets with |bGal| > 55deg is extremely limited.  If you request joint time on Chandra, please avoid long exposures on such targets if at all possible.  You must note explicitly the requested amount of Chandra HEL time in the body of your science justification.  N.B., Chandra ToO proposals are not supported under the Chandra-NRAO joint program.  See the Joint Observations with Chandra page for details.

Joint Observations with XMM-Newton Project

By agreement with the NRAO and GBO Observatories, detailed in a Memorandum of Understanding, the XMM-Newton Project may award up to 3% of NRAO/GBO open skies observing time.  Similarly the NRAO/GBO Time Allocation Committee may award up to 150 ks of XMM-Newton time per year.  See the Joint Observations with XMM-Newton page for details.

Joint Observations with NICER

By agreement between the NRAO and NASA, detailed in a Memorandum of Understanding, the NRAO can award up to 250 ksec of NICER observing time per year.  In return, NICER can award up to 5% of the NRAO scientific observing time on the VLA, VLBA, and GBT or up to 200-300 hours per year on each telescope.  See the Joint Observations with NICER page for details.

Joint Observations with Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope

It is possible to propose for observing time on NRAO facilities through the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope Joint Proposal Opportunity or the Cooperative Proposal Opportunity.  A maximum of 5% of the NRAO open skies observing time is made available on the VLA, the VLBA and the GBT, or up to 200-325 hours per year on each telescope.  See the Joint Observations with Fermi page for details.


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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.