NRAO and GBO Users' Policy NRAO and GBO Users' Policy Introduction Purpose and Scope Observatory Users Registering with the Observatory Confidentiality of User Profile Information User Support Proposals: Call, Preparation, and Submission Eligibility and Responsibility Proposing Opportunities Semester Observing Opportunities Director’s Discretionary Time Joint Proposing Opportunities Proposal Preparation Proposal Requirements Compliance in Proposal Preparation Filler Programs Proposal Science Categories Proposal Submission and the Close of the Call for Proposals Compliance in Proposal Submission Extension of the Close of Call for Proposals Changes to Submitted Observatory Proposals Proposal Review Process Overview Proposal Assessment Outcomes and Disposition Letters Conflicts and Confidentiality in the Review Process Proposal Conflicts Policy Preparation and Execution of Observations Observation Preparation General and Shared Risk Observing Observation Scheduling, Project Completion, and Carry-over PI Errors in Preparation and Execution Data Delivery and Data Rights Data Property Data and Metadata Confidentiality of Proposal Data Proprietary Periods and Observational Data Access Extension of Proprietary Periods Calibration Data Test and Science Verification data Related Provisions Acknowledgement of Observatory Facilities Visiting the NRAO and the GBO Final Provisions Acknowledgements Appendices Abbreviations, Acronyms, Definitions, and Useful URLs Student Proposals and Dissertation Plans Definition of Duplicate Observation Commensal Observing All content on one page
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