Past Approved DDT Proposals

The table below lists past approved proposals for Director's Discretionary Time (DDT) on the VLA and VLBA. The following is provided for each approved proposal: PI name, proposal ID, proposal title, date approved, maximum hours approved, and proprietary period in months. The table starts with submissions since 1 July 2013. Older approved DDT proposals will be added at some point.

For an approved DDT proposal, the Proposal Finder Tool will have access to its authors, title, abstract, and approved hours.





Proprietary Months

Cormac Reynolds VLBA/19B-357 An Ongoing Super-Flare in Mrk 231 02/07/2020 33.0 6
Filippo D'Ammando VLBA/19B-354 VLBA Follow-Up Observations of the New TeV Flaring Blazar B2 B1420+32 02/04/2020 48.0 6
Silvia Belladitta VLA/19B-353 Studying the radio properties of the first blazar at z > 6.0 01/31/2020 1.5 6
Shivani Bhandari VLA/19B-351 A hunt for a host galaxy of a fast radio burst 01/30/2020 40.0 6
Assaf Horesh VLA/19B-350 A Radio Followup Campaign of the Peculiar Nearby Type Ic Supernova SN2020oi 01/28/2020 20.0 6
Anna Ho VLA/19B-349 Search for a radio counterpart to X-ray transient SRGt J123822.3-253206 01/27/2020 2.0 6
Miguel Perez-Torres VLBA/19B-348 Constraining the Expansion of the Young Type Ic Supernova SN2020oi 01/27/2020 10.0 6
Surajit Mondal VLA/19B-347 Probing the spectrum of first type I super-luminous supernova detected in radio 02/07/2020 2.5 6
Sumit Sarbadhicary VLA/19B-346 The first radio observation of a Type Ia SN with an optical bump - SN 2019yvq 01/21/2020 1.0 6
Assaf Horesh VLA/19B-344 Early Radio Observation of the Young Nearby Type Ic Supernova SN2020oi 01/14/2020 8.0 6
Barnali Das VLA/19B-343 Does the main-sequence pulsar CU Virginis has a planet? 01/13/2020 4.0 6
Daniel Perley VLA/19B-342 Orphan afterglow ZTF19abvizsw: Off-axis GRB or dirty fireball? 01/06/2020 5.0 6
Nicholas Gorgone VLA/19B-340 Swift J183920.1-045350:  An Intermediate Polar 12/31/2019 6.0 6
Kunal Mooley VLA/19B-339 Radio observations of a peculiar Ultra-Luminous X-ray transient 12/27/2019 0.75 6
Tim Bastian VLA/19B-338 VLA Imaging of Solar Activity During Parker Solar Probe Perihelion 4 01/08/2020 18.0 6
Guillaume Drouart VLA/19B-337 Redshift Confirmation of the Most Distant Active Black Hole at z=10.15 12/23/2019 9.6 6
Ranieri Baldi VLBA/19B-333 VLBA Observation of the Transient ASASSN-18jd 12/18/2019 2.0 6
Wenfei Yu VLBA/19B-331 AT2019qiz:  the Nearest Radio-Detected Tidal Disruption Event 12/13/2019 6.0 6
Salvador Curiel VLBA/19B-329 Confirmation of the Candidate Planetary Companion of a Nearby Ultracool Dwarf 12/10/2019 15.0 6
Mark Claussen VLBA/19B-325 Monitoring SiO Maser Emission from R Aqr During Periastron Passage 12/03/2019 30.0 6
Mark Claussen VLA/19B-324 Monitoring SiO Maser Emission from R Aqr During Periastron Passage 12/03/2019 7.0 6
Dillon Dong VLA/19B-315 Constraining Synchrotron Nebulae in a Nearby FRB Host Galaxy Candidate 11/06/2019 6.0 6
Frank Schinzel VLA/19B-313 Single pulses coincident with the gamma-ray source 4FGL J1818.6-1533 10/25/2019 3.0 6
Ranieri Baldi VLA/19B-307 Radio detection of the transient ASASSN-18jd 10/16/2019 0.55 6
Kshitij Aggarwal VLA/19B-301 Localisation of RRATs using Realfast 10/04/2019 6.0 6
Sara Motta VLBA/19B-300 A New Puzzling
Accretion State for the Micro-quasar GRS1915+105
10/01/2019 8.0 6
Margarita Karovska VLA/19B-299 Unexpected Early Periastron Passage and Eclipse in Symbiotic System R Aqr 09/26/2019 5.5 6
Olga Bayandina VLA/19B-297 An Accretion Burst in G24.33+0.14:  Propagation of Energy through Outflow Cavity 09/20/2019 2.0 6
Xi Chen VLA/19B-295 H2CO Maser in Accretion Burst of High-Mass Star Formation 09/18/2019 1.0 6
Ross Burns VLBA/19B-294 Accretion Burst in Massive Protostar G24.33+0.14 09/18/2019 24.0 6
Milica Vucetic VLA/19B-292 Revealing the True Nature of the Emission Nebulae in the Dwarf Galaxy NGC 185 09/13/2019 0.67 6
Monica Orienti VLBA/19B-289 Radio Imaging of the Close-by Long GRB 190829A 09/09/2019 24.0 6
Tao An VLBA/19B-288 Resolving the Radio Afterglow of the Nearby GRB 190829A 09/04/2019 18.0 6
Tanmoy Laskar VLA/19B-287 VLA observations of the Nearby Unusual GRB 190829A 09/04/2019 16.0 6
Daniel Perley VLA/19B-286 Multifrequency Evolution of the Peculiar Cygnus A Radio Transient 08/28/2019 6.0 6
Marco Berton VLA/19B-285 Another narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy with relic emission? 08/16/2019 1.0 6
Matthias Kadler VLBA/19A-496 ToO:  An IceCube Gold Neutrino Coincident with an Ongoing Blazar Radio Outburst 08/07/2019 9.5 6
Jakob van den Eijnden VLA/19A-495 Probing variable black hole outflows across the electromagnetic spectrum 08/02/2019 3.5 6
Catherine Espaillat VLA/19A-492 Linking accretion and ejection processes in young stars 08/16/2019 18.0 6
Marcello Giroletti VLBA/19A-491 Searching for gamma-ray blazars in the arrival region
of the IC 190704A neutrino
07/15/2019 3.0 6
Farhad Yusef-Zadeh VLA/19A-490 VLA Monitoring of Sgr A* Coordinated with Spitzer, Chandra, NuSTAR and HST 07/12/2019 7.0 6
Pratik Dabhade VLA/19A-482 A possible largest radio-loud quasar of ~ 8.3 Mpc size at z = 1.636 05/31/2019 4.2 6
Harish Vedantham VLA/19A-481 Extreme Scintillation from Highly Turbulent Plasma at One-Parsec Distance 05/28/2019 6.25 6
Olga Bayandina VLA/19A-476 Possible echo of an accretion burst: H2O maser flare in G358.93-0.03 05/21/2019 2.0 6
Cristiana Spingola VLBA/19A-475 Jet Physics from the Outstanding Flare of a Gravitationally Lensed Blazar 05/21/2019 54.0 6
Peter Breiding VLA/19A-472 Parsec to kiloparsec-scale AGN jet structures in post-merger galaxies 05/15/2019 1.5 6
Vikram Ravi VLA/19A-470 FIRST J1533+2727: An unusual nuclear transient 04/26/2019 1.0 6
Jing Luo VLA/19A-466 Is the Black Widow Pulsar Eclipsed by its Companion? 04/10/2019 5.0 6
Alexandra Tetarenko VLA/19A-465 A Radio Timing Study of the Relativistic Jets from Cygnus X-3 04/05/2019 8.0 6
Kunal Mooley VLA/19A-464 Radio Afterglow Observations of the short GRB 190326A 03/29/2019 1.0 6

Xi Chen

VLA/19A-462 Investigation of new maser species: CH3OCHO, HDO and HNCO 03/29/2019 1.5 6

Xi Chen

VLA/19A-461 Investigation of new maser species: isotopic methanol 13CH3OH 03/21/2019 1.0 6

Ross Burns

VLBA/19A-457 Second Request: Accretion Burst in Massive Protostar G358.93-0.03 03/01/2019 6.0 6

Eduardo Banados

VLA/19A-456 Confirmation of the most distant radio system known at z~7 02/25/2019 2.0 6

Kate Alexander

VLA/19A-454 VLA follow-up of extraordinary quasi-periodic X-ray outbursts from a SMBH 02/12/2019 4.0 6

Eran Ofek

VLA/19A-452 Radio observation of a possibly kilonova GW170817-like event 02/11/2019 2.5 6

Assaf Horesh

VLA/19A-451 Characterizing a Nearby Normal Type Ia Supernova with Late-time CSM Interaction 02/11/2019 2.0 6

Olga Bayandina

VLA/19A-448 Methanol Maser Flares in G358.93-0.03: a new accretion burst candidate 02/07/2019 2.0 6


Barnali Das


VLA/19A-447 Confirming magneto-ionic mode transition of ECME from the Bp star HD 142990 02/11/2019 10.0 6

Tanmoy Laskar


VLA/18B-407 Beaming-independent Calorimetry of GRB 181201A with VLA Observations 02/06/2019 5.0 6


Casey Law


VLA/18B-405 Localizing CHIME-Discovered Repeating FRBs with realfast 01/30/2019 40.0 6

Matthew Middleton

VLA/18B-399 Resolving the energy injection timescales for Ho II X-1 01/30/2019 4.5 6

Dale Frail

VLA/18B-397 Resolving the Bow Shock Around PSR J0002+6216 01/23/2019 4.0 6

John Ruan

VLA/18B-393 Witnessing the birth of a radio jet in a rapidly-fading changing-look quasar 12/21/2018 2.0 6

Adam Deller

VLBA/18B-390 Improved Astrometry of the Recently Reactivated Magnetar XTE J1810-197 12/19/2018 10.0 6

Hsiu-Hsien Lin

VLBA/18B-382 Milliarcsecond Localization of a CHIME-Discovered Repeating Fast Radio Burst 12/11/2018 15.0 6

Rick Perley

VLBA/18B-379 VLBA Imaging of the Serendipitous Transient in Cygnus A 12/04/2018 12.0 6

Tanmoy Laskar

VLA/18B-373 Observations of the nearby, low-energy GRB 171205A: A once in a decade event 11/16/2018 1.0 6
Scott Hyman VLA/18B-369 Searching for Polarized Emission from a MSP Candidate in the Galactic Center 11/08/2018 4.0 6
Tarraneh Eftekhari VLA/18B-366 A Joint Radio-Optical Search for the Host Galaxies of FRBs 11/05/2018 4.0 6
Frank Schinzel VLA/18B-362 TXS 0025+197 after brightening by two orders of magnitude in the optical 10/23/2018 3.1 6
Megan Lewis VLA/18B-352 Carbon-AGB stars at 43 GHz 09/26/2018 6.0 6
John McKean VLBA/18B-339 Confirming the First Detection of a Merging Binary SMBH in the Early Universe 08/21/2018 12.0 6
Henry Wootten VLA/18A-507 Proposal to Observe a Maser Flare in IRAS16293 08/10/2018 2.0 6
Michael Bietenholz VLBA/18A-505 Measuring the Size and Speed of AT2018cow's Outflow: Relativistic Expansion? 07/18/2018 12.0 6
Leonid Petrov VLBA/18A-504 Follow-up of 3C48  position change at 0.06 arcsec 07/13/2018 8.0 0
Andrew Burkhardt VLA/18A-502 What is the Distribution of Carbon Molecules in TMC-1? 08/10/2018 7.0 6
Matthew Middleton VLA/18A-498 DDT request for VLA coverage of Ho II X-1 07/06/2018 5.0 6
Gabriele Bruni VLBA/18A-499 Radio Follow-Up of the Fermi Transient J1544-0649: a Flaring Radio-Weak BL Lac 07/05/2018 6.8 6
Michael Bietenholz VLBA/18A-494 Search for a Relativistic Outflow in the Very Fast Rising Transient AT2018cow 06/26/2018 6.0 6
Anna Ho VLBA/18A-493 Confirmation of Superluminal Motion for Rare Relativistic Supernova AT2018cow 06/25/2018 12.0 6
Michael Busch VLA/18A-489 L-Band Observations of a Large Martian Dust Storm 06/07/2018 1.0 6
Peter Barthel VLA/18A-487 The nature of radio-quiet QSO PG1229+204 06/04/2018 0.5 6
Dillon Dong VLA/18A-481 Broadband Characterization of VLASS 1.1 Transients 05/22/2018 7.5 6
Gregory Sivakoff VLA/18A-480 Does CXOU J173324.6-332321 (Liller 1 X-2) Contain a Neutron Star or Black Hole? 05/11/2018 0.75 6
Neeraj Gupta VLA/18A-479 Cold gas in an extremely powerful radio loud quasar at z~5.1 05/11/2018 0.75 6
Riccardo Cesaroni VLA/18A-477 Resolving the first ever radio outburst from a young massive star 05/08/2018 5.5 6
Adam Ginsburg VLA/18A-476 Emission mechanisms and accretion structures around HMYSOs in W51 05/04/2018 4.0 6
Enrico Congiu VLBA/18A-475 Young Jet and Old Radio Emission: Mrk 783, a Puzzling NLS1 04/27/2018 3.0 6
Jose Versteeg-Veltkamp VLA/18A-472 Zooming in on star formation in z > 1 AGN hosts 04/13/2018 1.0 6
Gregory Sivakoff VLA/18A-470 Constraining jet physics with multi-lambda variability studies: MAXI J1820+070 04/10/2018 6.0 6
Jessica Maldonado VLA/18A-467 Unveiling Supernova Progenitors Using Radio Supernova Remnants in M31 03/29/2018 9.0 6
Eileen Meyer VLBA/18A-465 Locating the VHE Emission Region in 3C264 with the VLBA 03/22/2018 4.0 6
Eileen Meyer VLA/18A-464 Locating the VHE emission region in 3C264 03/21/2018 0.67 6
Sarah Spolaor VLA/18A-462 Identifying the host of FRB 180309 03/15/2018 1.5 6
Jinyi Yang VLA/18A-461 Radio Continuum Emission from the Most Luminous Quasar Host at Reionization Era 03/14/2018 3.0 6
Alessandra Corsi VLA/18A-457 Continued radio monitoring of GW170817 with the JVLA 03/12/2018 17.5 6
Jakob van den Eijnden VLA/18A-456 Jet outflows from a magnetic propeller in an X-ray pulsar 03/08/2018 8.0 6
Kate Alexander VLA/18A-453 Radio Observations of a New X-ray TDE Candidate: Probing Outflow Formation 03/05/2018 2.0 6
Vikram Ravi VLA/18A-450 Is there persistent radio emission associated with the second localized FRB? 02/21/2018 1.0 6
Vikram Ravi VLA/17B-454 Characterizing the afterglow of iPTF14hls 01/30/2018 3.5 6
Cristina Romero-Canizales VLA/17B-453 ASASSN-17jz: a rare nuclear transient 01/25/2018 3.0 6
Emmanuel Momjian VLBA/17B-450 Resolving an extremely radio-loud quasar at redshift z~6 01/22/2018 2.0 6
Robert Wharton VLA/17B-445 Confirming a New Fast Radio Burst from PALFA 01/02/2017 0.5 6
Bjorn Emonts VLA/17B-444 Interplay between a buried radio-jet and its CO-rich environment in a z=2 HyLIRG 12/22/2017 2.0 6
Eduardo Banados VLA/17B-441 Confirmation of an extremely radio-loud quasar at redshift 6 12/21/2017 1.0 6
Emmanuel Momjian VLA/17B-437 Is the most distant quasar known to date at z=7.5 a radio-loud quasar? 12/20/2017 1.5 6
Vikram Ravi VLA/17B-436 The nature of the gamma-ray counterpart to the perennial supernova iPTF14hl 12/19/2017 1.5 6
Assaf Horesh VLA/17B-434 Characterising the First Normal Type Ia Supernova with Late-time CSM Interaction 12/13/2017 2.0 6
Miguel Torres VLBA/17B-433 How fast is expanding GRB 171205A? 12/12/2017 18.0 6
Alessandra Corsi VLA/17B-428 Unveiling the radio signature of a relativistic SN associated with GRB 171205A 12/08/2017 7.0 6
Deanne Coppejans VLA/17B-427 Observations of the nearby, low-energy GRB 171205A: a once in a decade event 12/08/2017 7.0 6
Kate Alexander VLA/17B-425 Continued VLA monitoring of GW170817: The first EM counterpart to a BNS merger 12/06/2017 20.0 6
Jakob van den Eijnden VLA/17B-420 Radio jets in a super-Eddington accreting X-ray pulsar 11/13/2017 12.0 6
Xi Chen VLA/17B-417 A sensitive search for H2CO masers in evolved stars 10/31/2017 2.0 6
Leonid Gurvits VLBA/17B-415 The brightest AGN in the distant Universe 10/31/2017 2.0 6
Farhad Yusef-Zadeh VLBA/17B-414 Measuring the Shock Emission from S2 Pericenter Passage 10/27/2017 14.0 0
Gregg Hallinan VLA/17B-409 Verification of Transients in the VLASS Pilot Survey 12/06/2017 4.2 6
Stan Kurtz VLA/17B-408 Methanol Maser Activity During a Water Maser Super-Burst 10/12/2017 2.0 6
Jakob van den Eijnden VLA/17B-406 Radio emission from a newly discovered slow X-ray pulsar 10/06/2017 2.0 6
Eduardo Ros VLBA/17B-405 TXS 0506+056: A blazar outburst coincident with the IceCube-170922A neutrino 10/09/2017 14.75 6
Gregory Sivakoff VLA/17B-403 Monitoring of the Extremely High Energy Neutrino IceCube-170922A Error Field 10/03/2017 6.0 6
Preeti Kharb VLBA/17B-401 A Second Look at the Most Compact Supermassive  Black Hole Binary Candidate 09/28/2017 4.0 6
Kunal Mooley VLBA/17B-400 Imaging the Fireball of the Nearest  Binary Neutron Star Merger Event 09/20/2017 36.0 6
Kunal Mooley VLA/17B-397 Continued Monitoring of the First Radio Afterglow of a Gravitational Wave Event 09/15/2017 32.0 6
Gabor Orosz VLBA/17B-399 Double Maser Super-Burst 09/25/2017 10.0 6
Fateme Kamali VLBA/17B-392 Radio Continuum of Galaxies with H2O Megamaser Disks 08/24/2017 16.0 6
Kevin Stovall VLA/17B-390 Localizing the Most Relativistic Binary Pulsar System 08/25/2017 4.0 6
Adam Deller VLBA/17B-389 VLBA localisation of a GRB afterglow 08/18/2017 20.25 0,6,6
Anna Ho VLA/17B-388 MAXI 170808A, A Short Soft X-ray Transient 08/18/2017 3.0 6
Allison Matthews VLA/17B-385 Star Formation Through Cosmic Time 08/17/2017 2.0 6
Dale Frail VLA/17B-384 Steep Spectrum Radio Sources Toward Fermi Unassociated Sources 08/16/2017 85.5 6
Kate Alexander VLA/17B-383 RS Emission in GRB 170810A: A Long Burst with a Bright Optical Counterpart 08/11/2017 9.0 6
Matt Nicholl VLA/17B-382 Mass-loss from the Pulsational Pair-Instability Supernova Candidate PS17brq 08/14/2017 1.5 6
Albert Kong VLA/17B-380 Radio Variability of the Gamma-ray Binary PSR J2032+4127 08/07/2017 0.6 6
Deanne Coppejans VLA/17A-480 SN2017ens: a Superluminous type-I SN with signs of interaction 07/25/2017 3.0 6
Marie-Lou Gendron Marsolais VLA/17A-475 Completing the JVLA 230-470 MHz view of the Perseus Cluster 07/07/2017 4.0 6
Stan Kurtz VLBA/17A-473 A New Super-Burst Water Maser in the Massive Star Formation Region G25.65+1.05 07/01/2017 6.0 6
Cristina Romero-Canizales VLA/17A-470 Radio Evolution of an Exceptional Super-Luminous Supernova 06/29/2017 0.7 6
Eric Murphy VLA/17A-469 The Origin of Anomalous 33GHz Emission from a Circumnuclear Region in NGC4725 06/27/2017 1.3 6
Lorant Sjouwerman VLA/17A-467 BAaDE: Circumstellar shell SiO/infrared properties expanded 06/22/2017 25.0 6
Raffaella Margutti VLA/17A-466 Radio observations of the most nearby H-stripped Super-Luminous SN2017egm 06/19/2017 3.0 6
Cristina Romero-Canizales VLA/17A-464 Stringent radio constraint on an exceptional super-luminous supernova 06/19/2017 0.7 6
Frank Schinzel VLBA/17A-461 The Reawakening of 3C345 06/12/2017 32.0 6
Joseph Helmbolt VLA/17A-460 Imaging the Impact of the 2017 Solar Eclipse on the Ionosphere/Plasmasphere 06/23/2017 3.0 6
Dale Gary VLA/17A-459 VLA Observations of the 2017 August 21 Solar Eclipse 06/23/2017 8.0 6
Deanne Coppejans VLA/17A-454 Constraining relativistic outflows and the environment of the peculiar SN2017ein 05/31/2017 9.0 6
Edo Berger VLA/17A-453 A Joint Radio-Optical Search for the Host Galaxy of FRB170107 05/26/2017 0.5 6
Benny Trakhtenbrot VLA/17A-443 A New Class of Transients in Nuclei of Galaxies: Testing Black Hole Physics 05/12/2017 2.0 6
Anna Ho VLA/17A-442 A Short Soft Transient from MAXI: Detection of a Dirty Fireball? 05/12/2017 3.0 6
Miguel Torres VLBA/17A-439 Mrk1018: Binary black hole interaction of transient jet ejection ?
05/02/2017 24.0 6
Carl Melis VLA/17A-438 Accurate maser positions for VLBA parallax project BM457 05/03/2017 0.5 6
Chris Carilli VLA/17A-436 The cold dust in a bright quasar host galaxy at z=7.5 04/25/2017 3.0 6
Piergiorgio Casella VLA/17A-431 Constraining jet physics with multiwavelength variability studies of GRS1915+105 04/26/2017 2.0 6
Richard Plotkin VLA/17A-430 Swift J1753.5-0127: a reflaring black hole fading into quiescence 04/17/2017 3.0 6
Kishalay De VLA/17A-427 The radio afterglow of a unique Ca-rich gap transient: a tidal detonation event? 04/12/2017 2.0 6
Fabian Walter VLA/17A-426 The molecular gas reservoir in a bright quasar at z=7.5 04/11/2017 9.0 6
Chat Hull VLA/17A-425 DDT: Exploring New, Faint Structure Around NGG 1275 and NGC 1272 04/06/2017 6.0 6
Wenfei Yu VLA/17A-424 JVLA observation of an X-ray flaring event detected by MAXI 03/29/2017 2.0 6
Gregg Hallinan VLA/17A-422 Constraining the Size of the Radio Counterpart to the Repeating FRB 121102 03/20/2017 8.0 6
Jackie Villadsen VLA/16B-440 Simultaneous Radio and Optical Monitoring of Flare Star Wolf 359 02/07/2017 12.0 6
Rogier Windhorst VLA/16B-436 4x15 min VLA A-array Snapshots to check Calibrators for VLA--JWST NEP survey 01/27/2017 1.0 6
Paul Demorest VLA/16B-434 Pulsation Searches Toward Fermi Unassociated Sources 01/23/2017 6.0 6
Niklas Falstad VLA/16B-432 The OH outflow of the extremely obscured galaxy Zw049.057 01/10/2017 5.6 6
Stan Kurtz VLA/16B-431 Rare Excited OH Masers in a Massive Star Formation Region 01/05/2017 1.0 6

Charles Kilpatrick

VLA/16B-428 Late-Time Variability in the SN IIn 2008fq with the VLA 12/30/2016 1.5


Riccardo Cesaroni

VLA/16B-427 Following-up the first ever detected accretion burst in a high-mass YSO 12/21/2016 18.63


Deanne Coppejans

VLA/16B-425 First Radio Observations of a Rapid, Luminous and Blue Stellar Explosion 12/13/2016 7.0


Diaz Rodriguez

VLA/16B-417 Formation of Disks and Outflows in Uneven Close Binary Systems: The SVS13 Case 11/18/2016 1.0


Kai Yang

VLA/16B-409 Investigate 6.7 GHz methanol sources at high latitude 10/24/2016 2.0


Crystal Brogan

VLA/16B-402 An extraordinary outburst in the massive protostellar system NGC6334I-MM1 10/04/2016 10.5


Sarah Spolaor

VLA/16B-401 The FRB121102 Enigma at P-Band 09/28/2016 10.0


Maria Drout

VLA/16B-399 Probing the Evolutionary History of 'Non-Standard' SN Progenitors: SN2016gkg 09/27/2016 11.0


Matt Nicholl

VLA/16B-398 Constraining the mass-loss around the extraordinary interacting SLSN PS16dtm 09/21/2016 3.0


Daniel Perley

VLA/16B-396 Multifrequency Observations of a New Radio Transient in Cygnus A 09/16/2016 6.0


Jacob Jencson

VLA/16B-388 Radio Observations of an Obscured Supernova Candidate in M108 09/01/2016 2.0


Benjamin Gompertz

VLA/16B-386 What Happens When Neutron Stars Merge? The Test Case of GRB 160821B 08/30/2016 3.34


Sarah Spolaor

VLA/16B-385 The FRB121102 Enigma 08/29/2016 11.1


Jun Yi Koay

VLA/16B-382 Is the radio source in Mrk 590 strengthening as the changing-look AGN reignites? 08/10/2016 3.0


Daniel Perley

VLA/16B-381 A Radio Transient in Cygnus A 08/10/2016 4.0


Shami Chatterjee

VLA/16A-496 Localizing the Unique Repeating Fast Radio Burst 121102 with Prompt Observations 08/02/2016 36.0


Mark Reid

VLA/16A-495 Abosolute positions of masers near zero Declination for the BeSSeL Survey 08/01/2016 1.0


Anuj Sarma

VLA/16A-494 Empirical Determination of Methanol Zeeman Splitting Factor: A Pilot Observation 07/25/2016 3.0


Adrian Lucy

VLA/16A-490 Disk-Outflow Symbiosis from the 26th-anniversary Outburst of MWC 560 07/13/2016 12.0


Kunal Mooley

VLA/16A-483 Probing the Radio Emission from a Nearby Type Ia Supernova 06/10/2016 2.0


Kenneth Chambers

VLA/16A-478 PS16cgx - a possible counterpart to the neutrino event IceCube 160427A 06/02/2016 1.0


Atish Kamble

VLA/16A-477 Search for a relativistic outflow in SN 2016coi/ASASSN-16fp 06/02/2016 2.0


Raffaella Margutti

VLA/16A-476 Constraining the environment and relativistic jets in the nearby SLSN Gaia16apd 05/26/2016 3.0


Sarah Spolaor

VLA/16A-475 The birth of a post-merger AGN 05/24/2016 0.5


John Pineda

VLA/16A-466 TRAPPIST-1: the Key
to Unlocking the Mystery of Brown Dwarf Aurorae?
05/10/2016 2.0


Peter Williams

VLA/16A-463 VLA Confirmation of  Ultra-Fast Rotation in a T-dwarf 05/03/2016 3.0


Dale Frail

VLA/16A-460 Pulsar Candidates Toward Fermi Unassociated Sources 4/25/2016 5.5



VLA/16A-459 Further Localizing the Unique Repeating Fast Radio Burst FRB 121102 4/21/2016 40



VLA/16A-448 Catching the radio jet from the 26th anniversary outburst of MWC 560 3/21/2016 6



VLA/16A-447 Probing the sub-parsec environment of the Type Ib SN2016bau 3/28/2016 11



VLA/16A-444 Catching a Changing Look Quasar Retreating to the Shadows for the Second Time 3/16/2016 2.6



VLA/16A-439 Observing the Resurgence of SN 2005ip with the VLA 3/8/2016 3.0



VLBA/16A-435 The nature of the long-term radio emission associated with FRB 150418 3/2/2016 6.00 6


VLA/16A-432 A Fast Radio Burst
Afterglow, or a Flaring AGN?
3/1/2016 3.46 6
Williams VLA/16A-431 Extragalactic Fast
Radio Burst 150418: Not So Fast?
2/15/2016 5.0 6
Burgasser VLA/16A-429 A Search for Radio
Emission from a Terrestrial-Planet-Hosting Ultracool Dwarf
2/25/2016 3.0 6
Sivakoff VLA/16A-428 Does GRS 1736-297
contain a Neutron Star or a Black Hole?
2/24/2016 0.75 6
Bower VLA/16A-426 Radio Follow-Up of
a Galactic Center X-Ray Transient
2/23/2016 2.0 6
Cesaroni VLA/16A-424 Monitoring the First
Ever Detected Burst in a High-Mass YSO
2/23/2016 10.4 6
Herrero-Illana VLA/16A-423 HI Distribution
and Kinematics of the Most Active Local Compact Group
2/23/2016 2.5 6
Horesh VLA/16A-422 Late-Time Radio
Observations of a Tidal Disruption Event
2/22/2016 12.0 6
Irwin VLA/16A-420 Post-Outburst Observations of two Tidal Disruption Events to be concurrent with SWIFT 2/17/2016 10.0 6
Yusef-Zadeh VLA/16A-419 Monitoring of Sgr A* coordinated with Spitzer & Chandra Space Observatories 6/23/2016 14.0 6
Bhandari VLA/16A-416 Localizing Counterparts of Fast Radio Bursts 2/10/2016 9.0 6
Cannon VLA/15B-388 AGC198691: The Most Metal-Deficient Galaxy Known 12/23/2015 6.0 6
Spolaor VLA/15B-384 Seeking a Radio FRB Counterpart 12/09/2015 12.25 6
Berger VLA/15B-381 Exploratory Radio Observations of the Nearby Superluminous
Supernova PS15ae
11/30/2015 1.5 6
Chatterjee VLA/15B-378 Localizing the Unique Repeating Fast Radio Burst FRB 121102 11/16/2015 10 6
Pavesi VLA/15B-370 Confirmation of Formaldehyde Absorption against the CMB
at z~1
10/16/2015 3.1 6
Jose-Francisco Gomez VLA/15B-366 Confirmation of Maser Emission in a First Hydrostatic Core 10/09/2015 1.0 6
Kunal Mooley VLA/15B-364 VLA and VLBA Observations of an Unusual Radio Transient 09/30/2015 1.5 6
Macias VLA/15B-352 Evidence of Photoevaporation in the Transitional Disk of GM Aur 09/04/2015 5 6
Assaf Horesh VLA/15B-345 A Peculiar Type Ib Supernova - A Search for the SN-GRB connection 08/18/2015 8.0 6
Henrik Spoon VLA/15B-344 Testing the VLA as a Molecular Outflow Machine 08/18/2015 1.5 6
Justin Linford VLA/15B-343 Supplemental Request for 13B-057: Tempests, Not Bombs 08/18/2015 14.5 6
Gregory Sivakoff VLA/15B-342 Compact Jet Evolution in the Black Hole X-Ray Binary V4641 Sgr 08/11/2015 7 6
Karishma Bansai VLA/15B-340 Fringe Test between LWA1 and VLA-Y1 08/07/2015 1.0 6
Thomas Russell VLA/15B-339 The Radio/X-Ray Decay of the Accreting Millisecond Pulsar IGR J00291+5934 08/07/2015 3.0 6
Gregory Sivakoff VLA/15A-509 The Broad-Band SED of the 2015 Outburst of V404 Cyg as it Fades to Quiescence 07/06/2015 3.0 6
Eileen Meyer VLA/15A-507 High-Resolution Imaging of the Ongoing Internal Shock Collision in 3C 264 06/30/2015 0.67 6
Gregory Sivakoff VLA/15A-504 The 2015 Outburst of V404 Cyg: a unique opportunity to probe jet physics 06/19/2015 4 6
Franceso Costagliola VLA/15A-501 From nascent starburst to hidden AGN : The radio continuum of NGC 1377 06/11/2015 2.75 6
Assaf Horesh VLA/15A-500 Searching for the power source of the ~ 250 days old supernova, iPTF14hls 06/08/2015 8 6
Ylva Pihlstrom VLA/15A-497 Estimating Positional Offsets between IR and Radio Data 06/08/2015 1.25 6
Ran Wang VLA/15A-494 Radio Continuum Emission from the Most Massive Quasar at the Reionization Era 06/01/2015 3 6
Jay Strader VLA/15A-491 Radio Continuum Emission from a Candidate Transitional Millisecond Pulsar 06/14/2015 4 6
Atish Kamble VLA/15A-490 Mapping the final evolutionary stages of SNhunt275


10 6
Jose Guirado VLA/15A-487 Extrasolar planet radio emission: the nearby planetary system VHS1256-1257 05/12/2015 2 6
Amruta Jaodand VLA/15A-484 3FGL J1544.6-1125: Catching the newest transitional millisecond pulsar in action 05/08/2015 4 6
Charles Hull VLA/15A-482 Synchrotron Emission from Star-forming H-alpha filaments around NGC 1275 05/04/2015 4 6
Anthony Rushton VLA/15A-481 Searching for the jet in an unusual low-luminosity XRB soft-state 05/01/2015 2 6
Santiago del Palacio VLA/15A-480 Is the Emission from the Wind-Collision Region of WR146 Polarized? 04/30/2015 1 6
Rick Perley VLA/15A-478

High Fidelity Imaging Studies - the Quest for 10 million:1!

04/24/2015 8 6
Ian Heywood VLA/15A-477 Completing the deep VLA-VIDEO survey over XMM-LSS 04/21/2015 1.5 6
Edo Berger VLA/15A-476

Monitoring Radio Emission from the 1st Optical TDE with a Relativistic Outflow

04/16/2015 10.0 6
Claire Murray VLA/15A-473 Completing 21-SPONGE 04/08/2015 22.0 6
John Cannon VLA/15A-472

An Extremely Rare Low-Mass Galaxy Interaction

04/06/2015 6.0 6
Miguel Perez-Torres VLA/15A-471 Radio Detection of two Dust-Enshrouded Supernovae in Two Nearby LIRGs 04/01/2015 1.33 6
Preeti Kharb VLA/15A-468 Looking for a Large Jet from a Double-peaked AGN inside a Spiral Galaxy 05/27/2015 0.5 6
Frank Schinzel VLA/15A-466 Searching for the 1st Transient Black Hole X-ray Binary in a MW Globular Cluster 03/18/2015 1.0 6
Sarah Burke-Spolaor VLA/15A-461 Monitoring a potential FRB progenitor 02/23/2015 15.0 6
Ashley King VLA/15A-460 Catching GRS 1915+105 in a rare state transition 02/23/2015 2.0 6
Sarah Burke-Spolaor VLA/15A-459 A potential progenitor to FRB150215 02/18/2015 0.5 6
Elizabeth Mills VLA/15A-457 Searching for Hidden Galactic Center OH masers 2/19/2015 2 6
Jason Hessels VLA/15A-455 Testing A Hypothesized Neutron-Star Accretion Regime With 1RXS J180408.9-342058 02/13/2015 6 6
Sarah Burke-Spolaor VLA/14B-514 The Displaced AGN in NGC3115 05/27/2015 2.0 6
Ashley Zauderer


Search for a Relativistic Jet in the Tidal Disruption Event DES14C1kia 01/06/2015 12.5 6
Hales, Chris VLA/14B-503 Distinguishing Between Interplanetary and Ionospheric Scintillation 12/26/2014 1 6
VLA/14B-498 Constraining source spectra to produce an all-sky low-frequency flux scale 12/19/2014 4 6
Ivison, Rob VLA/14B-497 The most distant dusty starburst: 13 Gyr or bust 12/16/2014 6 6
Burgasser, Adam VLA/14B-494 Coordinating VLA and Chandra Observations of 2MASS 1315-2649AB 12/09/2014 1.5


VLA/14B-493 Radio Followup of potential Super-Eddington TDE Candidate ASASSN-14li 12/5/2014 8 6
VLA/14B-490 GRB 141121A: An ultra-long GRB with a reverse shock? 12/3/2014 12.5 0
Laskar, Tanmoy VLA/14B-489 Radio followup of the unusual GRB 141121A 12/3/2014 6 0
Henning, Thomas
VLA/14B-487 Intriguing fine structure of the HLTau disk: high-fidelity imaging with the JVLA 11/26/2014 38 0
Carrasco-Gonzalez, Carlos
VLA/14B-485 Planet Formation in HL Tau? 11/26/2014 6.5 0
Arcavi, Iair VLA/14B-479 What is Powering SN 2011dh at Late Times? A VLA Investigation 10/10/2014 1 6
Middleton, Matthew VLA/14B-478 Searching for correlations between inflow and jet in the outburst of H1743-322 9/23/2014 2 6
Yu, Wenfei VLA/14B-477 EVLA observation of H 1743-322 in outburst towards its hard-to-soft transition 9/23/2014 2 6
Tendulkar, Shriharsh VLA/14B-476 NuSTAR/JVLA ToO observations of the hard-state of stellar blackhole H1743-322 9/19/2014 0.67 6
Borthakur, Sanchayeeta
VLA/14A-561 Mapping Faint HI Around a Rare UV-selected DLA in Low-z Galaxy-Groups 7/11/2014 4 6
Chen, Xi VLA/14A-559 Confirming the first detection of a methanol megamaser in Arp 220 7/7/2014 2 6


VLA/14A-558 Two Optically Faint Nearby Supernovae of Type IIP - Possibly Radio Bright? 6/23/2014 0.5 6
Pesce, Dominic VLA/14A-556 Concurrent 22 GHz observations of sub-mm H2O megamasers in AGN accretion disks 6/20/2014 3 6
Gelfand, Joseph VLA/14A-547 Ejection of Material from the Galactic Center Magnetar? 5/6/2014 1.75 6
Ott, Juergen VLA/14A-542 Where do the Nuclear H2O masers in Centaurus A Originate? 4/24/2014 4 6
Williams, Peter VLA/14A-541 Simultaneous Spitzer, Kepler, and VLA Observations of a Nearby L8 Dwarf 4/24/2014 1.5 6
Corbel, Stephane VLA/14A-537 The outburst decay of the black hole X-ray binary Swift J1753.5-0127 4/2/2014 2 6
Sakamoto, Kazushi VLA/14A-535 Radio Jets in NGC 3256 4/1/2014 2.5 6
Arcavi, Iair VLA/14A-534 Constraining the Nature of Three Nearby TDE Candidates 3/28/2014 3 6
Kamble, Atish VLA/14A-531 A Young Type Ic Supernova with very Broad-lines at 25 Mpc 3/22/2014 6 6
O'Dea, Christopher VLA/14A-527 Critical constraints on a unique 30 kpc "beads on a string" star formation 3/2/2014 6 6
Pihlstrom, Ylva VLA/14A-525 VLBA 43 GHz Calibrator Search Using the VLA 2/12/2014 6 6
Geach, Jim VLA/13B-458 Searching for water maser emission from a gravitationally lensed AGN 1/29/2014 2.75 6
Chomiuk, Laura VLA/13B-454 Radio Observations of the Young Type Ia Supernova in M82 1/24/2014 5 Waived

Wootten, Al

VLA/13B-448 Build-up of protoplanetary core-accretion in the dust trap of HD 142527 12/16/2013 3 6
Horesh, Assaf VLA/13B-447 Radio Observation of iPTF13dqy - A Probe of Pre-explosion Massive Star Evolution 12/11/2013 3 6
Deller, Adam VLA/13B-445 Characterizing the compact jet in the J1023+0038 pulsar/X-ray binary system 12/3/2013 12.5 6
Deller, Adam VLA/13B-439 Investigating the accretion state of the "missing link" pulsar J1023+0038 11/7/2013 3 6
VLA/13B-435 VLA Observations of a Newly Discovered Swift Tidal Disruption Event Candidate 9/26/2013 10 6
Dickman, Robert VLA/13B-419 The Red Sirius Problem: A Proposed VLA Search for a Sirius B Remnant Shell 9/9/2013 10 6
Law, Casey VLA/13B-409 Interferometric Localization of Cosmological Millisecond Transients 9/9/2013 76
van Dishoeck, Ewine VLA/13B-401 A gigantic dust trap in IRS 48: locating the largest grains 9/3/2013 7.5 6

Sjouwerman, Lorant

VLA/13B-400 Reconfirmation of the methanol maser in M31 for VLBI measurements 8/29/2013 4 6

Powell, Diana

VLA/13B-399 Detailed Magnetic Field Mapping of 3C 58 8/27/2013 8 6

Rujopakarn, Wiphu

VLA/13B-397 Augmenting an Ultradeep, High-resolution Galaxies
Survey with Compact Baselines
8/21/2013 4 6
Archibald, Anne GBT/13B-396 Sudden disappearance of a millisecond pulsar 8/5/2013 5 12
Neff, Susan VLA/13A-544 Exploratory Wideband 327MHz Observations of Centaurus A 7/31/2013 10 6
Berger, Edo VLA/13A-541 New Insights on Gamma-Ray Bursts with the JVLA - Extension of 13A-046 7/19/2013 15 6
Cenko, Brad VLBA/13A-539 Resolving the relativistic outflow from the nearby GRB 130702A 7/10/2013 12 6
Duffin, Ryan VLA/13A-538 Double-Lobed Radio Source Hosted by a Grand Design Spiral 7/10/2013 1 6

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.