Proposing for the VLBA

Call for Proposals

Access to the call for proposals.

Guide to NRAO User Portal

Access to, PST, etc.

Guide to Proposing for the VLBA

The VLBA proposal guide.


The latest Observational Status Summary, a full description of the VLBA Instrumental Capabilities. It also contains links to previous versions of the OSS.

News for Proposers and Observers

Items of interest to the VLBA/HSA/VLBI Observing Community


The High Sensitivity Array

Accurate Source Position Service

NRAO offers to provide astrometric quality source positions in response to requests from users

Global VLBI

The VLBA is a stand-alone VLBI array that is useful for addressing many scientific questions. However, in some cases, more sensitive telescopes, longer baselines, or additional high-frequency antennas are necessary to reach science goals

Additional VLBI Opportunities

The VLBA is a stand-alone VLBI array that is useful for addressing many scientific questions. However, in some cases, more sensitive telescopes, longer baselines, or additional high-frequency antennas are necessary to reach science goals. Some additional opportunities are described in the following links:

Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.