Opportunities > Student Programs > National Astronomy Consortium

The National Astronomy Consortium (NAC)

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 Interested in applying to the 2025 NAC program?


Please visit the new NAC website: https://public.nrao.edu/odi/nac/

2019 NAC Arrow

About the NAC

The National Astronomy Consortium (NAC) is a program led by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) and Associated Universities Inc., (AUI) in partnership with the National Society of Black Physicists (NSBP), and a number of minority and majority universities to increase the numbers of students from underrepresented minoritized groups and those otherwise overlooked by the traditional academic pipeline into STEM or STEM-related careers.

Primary Goal: to increase the number of students, who otherwise would have been overlooked by the traditional academic pipeline, in STEM and STEM careers by placing them in a cooperative, diverse team over the summer and beyond.


Highlights of the NAC program include:


 To contact the NAC please send an email to odi@nrao.edu.

** Students with ‘grit’ exhibit passion for a particular long-term goal, along with powerful motivation for achieving their objectives.