Summer Student Research Assistantships

2016 summer students

The selection process is now closed for the 2025 NRAO summer student program. Please follow this page for information about the 2026 summer research program. We anticipate opening the application process in November, 2025, with an application deadline of February 1, 2026.

Please direct questions to: sstudents at nrao dot edu.

Celebrating More Than Six Decades of Training Young Scientists

Since its inception in 1959, the NRAO Summer Student Research Assistantship program has engaged over 1,000 young people in scientific research, and many of our summer students have gone on to distinguished careers in astronomy, physics, and other sciences. The list of former NRAO summer students includes people who represent a wide range of careers and research interests.

What and Where is the NRAO?

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) provides state-of-the-art radio telescope facilities for use by scientists from around the world. We are also involved in cutting edge astronomical research, and in the design, development and manufacture of radio astronomy instrumentation and telescopes; NRAO receivers are deployed from the South Pole to beyond the Moon.  The NRAO has facilities for radio astronomical research in New Mexico, Virginia, and West Virginia.  NRAO is also a partner in operating the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile. Our site in Socorro, New Mexico, hosts the NRAO Very Large Array (VLA) and Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA). Charlottesville, Virginia, is the site of NRAO Headquarters as well as the North American ALMA Science Center, located on the Grounds of the University of Virginia (UVa), and the NRAO Technology Center which houses the Central Development Laboratory, a leading center for radio instrumentation and radio telescope design. The GBO, part of NRAO, is located in Green Bank, West Virginia and is the site of the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT), the world's largest fully steerable single aperture telescope. Maps and directions to the sites are found at

What is Radio Astronomy?

Radio astronomy is the study of astronomical objects through radiation emitted at radio wavelengths (wavelengths longer than about 1mm, or frequencies lower than about 300 GHz). For more information, the NRAO has an introduction to Radio Astronomy; JPL has produced a useful Primer, and MIT Haystack Observatory has an instructive Radio Astronomy Tutorial. Two on-line courses on Radio Astronomy are available: Essential Radio Astronomy by J.J. Condon and S.M. Ransom of NRAO and Physics728, Radio Astronomy by Dale Gary (NJIT dept. of Physics).

What are NRAO Summer Student Research Assistantships?

The NRAO has conducted a summer student research program since 1959, with over 1000 participants to date. Each NRAO/GBO summer student conducts research under the supervision of an NRAO or GBO staff member at one of three sites (Socorro, New Mexico; Green Bank, West Virginia; Charlottesville, Virginia), on a project in the supervisor's area of expertise. The project may involve any aspect of astronomy, including original astronomy research, instrumentation, telescope design, astronomical site evaluation or astronomical software development. Supervisors choose their own student candidates from all applications received, and the site to which a summer student is assigned depends on the location of the supervisor who chose them. Students are encouraged to review the webpages of NRAO staff and GBO staff for an idea of the types of research being conducted. On their application, students may request to work with a specific staff member or to work on a specific scientific topic, or to work at a specific site.

The program runs from 10-12 weeks over the summer, from late May to mid-August. At the end of the summer, participants present their research results as a short talk and submit a written report. Often, these projects result in publications in scientific journals. Financial support is often available for students to present their summer research at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society, generally at the winter meeting following their appointment.

Besides their research, students take part in other activities, including a number of social events and excursions, and students may attend a radio astronomy workshop in Green Bank at the beginning of the program.  We also offer an extensive summer lecture series which covers aspects of radio astronomy and astronomical research. Students may also collaborate on their own observational projects using the VLA, VLBA and/or GBT.  Information on previous summer student research projects are available at the following links:

What types of summer research positions are available?

Each summer opportunity is focused on a research project conducted under the mentorship of an NRAO staff member. The following Summer Student programs are available at NRAO:

  • The NRAO Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program is for undergraduates who are citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its possessions. It is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF)'s Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program.
  • The Undergraduate Summer Student Research program is for undergraduate students or graduating college seniors who are citizens, are from an accredited U.S. Undergraduate Program, or are otherwise eligible to work in the United States. This program can support students who do not meet the REU guidelines, such as graduating college seniors and some international students.
  • The Graduate Summer Student Research program is for graduate students who are citizens or permanent residents of the United States, enrolled in an accredited U.S. Graduate Program, or otherwise eligible to work in the United States.

The programs are aimed at students who are interested in astronomy and have a background in astronomy, physics, engineering, computer science, and/or math. The same on-line application form is used for all of the above programs.  We have a commitment to providing an enriching educational experience for all participants.

Would I be paid?

Students receive a stipend to offset housing and living expenses. While the different programs have different terms, all students receive equitable support, and the details on stipend amount and housing will be described in the offer letter.

Are research positions remote or in person, and where would I live?

The summer program will be on site at one of the NRAO locations in Green Bank, Charlottesville, or Socorro.

Students based in Green Bank will live in on-site Observatory housing. At the other sites, students are expected to arrange their own lodging, with assistance from the NRAO if needed. Housing resources are listed in the site specific information available from the Information for Incoming Summer Students. Actual travel expenses to and from the site will be reimbursed, up to a maximum of $900. Short term lodging can also be reimbursed, up to a maximum of $300, while the student is looking for a place to live.

When would I start, and how long is the program?

Starting dates for REU and other student research positions are flexible, usually beginning in late May.  These positions can run 10-12 weeks, based on the arrangement made between the student participant and their mentor.

Where can I find more information on NRAO Summer Students?

For important information on student life at the various NRAO sites and examples of past student research, visit Information for Incoming Students.

Application Instructions

  • Fill in the application form by the deadline on February 1, 2025
  • Arrange for up to three letters of reference to be submitted by February 1, 2025.  Send your letter writers the link to the references page here. You must send them the link - the application system does not send it. Applications with one or two letters of reference are acceptable.
  • On the application form, undergrad students should identify the programs for which they would like to be considered.  Current grad students and other students who will have graduated by May 2025 should select only the "Grad researcher" option.  Undergrad students who would like to be considered for an undergrad research position but may not be eligible for the REU program may select the "REU or undergrad researcher" option.
  • Attach a single PDF file with your transcript or transcripts.  Unofficial transcripts are ok.

When will I hear about summer offers?

We expect to make initial offers on March 3, 2025.  Later offers may be made as well, until all positions are filled.

Other Astronomy Programs

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is an equal opportunity employer. (M/F/H/V)

Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.