Beyond Astrognosy: LSST and Radio Stars as Probes of the Universe
Rachel Osten (Space Telescope Science Institute)
Beyond Astrognosy: LSST and Radio Stars as Probes of the Universe
Crudely speaking, stellar astronomers can be split into two groups: those who study the properties of stars to learn more about the stars themselves, and those who use the stars properties to study other astrophysical topics. The LSST project will return exquisite datasets that can be used to advance topics in both categories. The scientific return can be expanded greatly when combined with sensitive radio observations. Precise photometry and astrometry are chief among the goals of LSST. Radio observations encompass a large range of wavelengths with a heterogeneous collection of sensitivity and angular resolution. I will describe the complementarity between radio wavelength observations of stars and LSST, taking some representative cases to illustrate synergistic science.
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