Radio Observations of the Galaxy: Radio Surveys and the Connections with LSST

Cornelia Lang (University of Iowa)

Radio Observations of the Galaxy: Radio Surveys and the Connections with

Recent surveys of the Galaxy across the electromagnetic spectrum have provided astronomers with an increasingly detailed and complete perspective on the contents of our own Milky Way. With new and newly upgraded radio wavelength facilities coming online now and in the years to come, radio astronomy is perched to make even more important contributions to uncovering the optically-obscured reaches of the Galaxy. I will review results from recent radio surveys of Galactic structure, all phases of the interstellar medium and Galactic magnetism. I will also highlight Galactic surveys underway and planned for instruments such as LWA, the Jansky VLA, MeerKAT
and ASKAP. Finally I will discuss ways in which these surveys have powerful connections with time domain astronomy and in particular, LSST.

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The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.