
As of January 24, 2011...

Keiichi Asada, ASIAA, Tiawan

Tim Bastian, NRAO

Richard Barvainis, NSF

Michael Bietenholz, HartRAO, South Africa

Li Bin, SHAO, China

David Boboltz, USNO

Geoffrey Bower, UC Berkeley

James Braatz, NRAO

Walter Brisken, NRAO

Michael Busch, UCLA

Shami Chatterjee, Cornell

James Condon, NRAO

Bill Cotton, NRAO

Adam Deller, NRAO/UC Berkeley

Phil Diamond, CSIRO, Austrailia

Robert Dickman, NRAO

Shep Doeleman, MIT Haystack

Luigina Feretti, INAF, Italy

Denise Gabuzda, UCC, Ireland

Ralph Gaume, USNO

Mike Garrett, ASTRON, Netherlands

Barry Geldzahler, NASA

Leonid Gurvits, JIVE, Netherlands

Paul Ho, ASIAA, Taiwan

Dan Homan, Denison University

Mareki Honma, NAOJ

Xiaoyu Hong, SHAO, China

Makato Inoue, ASIAA, Tiawan

Phil Jewell, NRAO

Ken Johnston, USNO

William Junor, LANL

Ken Kellermann, NRAO


Hideyuki Kobayashi, NAOJ, Japan

Thomas Krichbaum, MPIfR, Germany

Andrzej Kus, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland

Joe Lazio, SKA Program/JPL

Matthew Lister, Purdue University

Fred K. Y. Lo, NRAO

Jay Lockman, NRAO

Laurent Loinard, UNAM, Mexico

Colin Lonsdale, MIT Haystack


Alan Marscher, Boston University

Julie McEnery, NASA,GSFC

Carl Melis, UC - San Diego CASS

Karl Menten, MPIfR, Germany

James Miller-Jones, Curtin Institure of Radio Astronomy

James Moran, CfA

Vernon Pankonin, NSF

Richard Porcas, MPIfR

Richard Prestage, NRAO

Anthony Readhead, Caltech

Mark Reid, CfA

Jon Romney, NRAO

Eduardo Ros, University of Valencia

Chris Salter, NAIC

Ethan Schreier, Associated Universities, Inc.

Greg Sivakoff, University of Virginia

Greg Taylor, University of New Mexico

David Thompson, NASA GSFC

Huib Van Langevelde, JIVE

Craig Walker, NRAO

Anton Zensus, MPIfR, Germany

Xiuzhong Zhang, SHAO, China

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.