Confirmed Speakers

Speaker Topic
Keiichi Asada, ASIAA Acceleration and Collimation Mechanism of AGN Jets
Michael Bietenholz, HartRAO VLBI in Africa
David Boboltz, USNO Earth Orientation and GPS Calibration
Geoffrey Bower, UC Berkeley RIPL: Radio Interferometric Planet Search
James Braatz, NRAO The Megamaser Cosmology Project: Constraints on the Hubble Constant
Walter Brisken, NRAO a) VLBA Operational Status: Planned and Possible Future Upgrades
b) The High Sensitivity Array
Michael Busch, UCLA Radar Speckles and Near-Earth Asteroids
Shami Chatterjee, Cornell Fermi Detected Radio Pulsars
James Condon, NRAO a) Inspiraling, Binary, and Recoiling Black Holes in Nearby Galaxies
b) Megamaser Cosmology Project: Black Hole Masses
Adam Deller, UC Berkeley/NRAO a) New Opportunities for Wide Field Imaging with the DiFX Correlator
b) PSRPI: Parallax and Proper Motion of Pulsars
Phil Diamond, CSIRO Status and Capabilities of the Australian LBA
Robert Dickman, NRAO A New Paradigm for the VLBA
Shep Doeleman, MIT Haystack Enabling mm and submm VLBI with ALMA
Luigina Feretti, INAF The Sardinia Telescope, the VLBA, and the HSA
Andrey Finkelstein, IPA The Russian KVAZAR Network
Leonid Gurvits, JIVE Space Based Opportunities for the VLBA
Dan Homan, Denison University AGN: Linear & Circular Polarization
Mareki Honma, NAIJ VERA and the Japan Korea Collaboration
Xiaoyu Hong, SHAO Chinese VLBA Programs and the Chinese VLBI Network
Hideyuki Kobayashi, NAOJ a) Japanese VLBA Programs and the East Asia VLBI Network
b) Space VLBI: VSOP-2 and Beyond
Thomas Krichbaum, MPIfR The Global Millimeter VLBI Array
Andrzej Kus, Nicolaus Copernicus University Opportunities with the EVN
Matthew Lister, Purdue University MOJAVE: Gamma-ray emission and the Kinematics of AGN
Fred K. Y. Lo, NRAO Introduction: The VLBA Mission and the International VLBI Roadmap
Jay Lockman, NRAO The GBT, VLBA, and HSA
Laurent Loinard, UNAM Gould's Belt Distances
Colin Lonsdale, MIT Haystack Future development of digital VLBI backends and disk recorders
Alan Marscher, Boston University VLBA imaging of the Gamma-ray Emission Regions in Blazar Jets
Carl Melis, UCSD, CASS The Pleiades Distance Controversy
Karl Menten, MPIfR Spiral Structure and Kinematics of the Milky Way Using H20 and Methanol Masers: Plans for the Future
James Miller-Jones, Curtin Institure of Radio Astronomy VLBA JACPOT Project
Mark Reid, CfA a) Spiral Structure and Kinematics of the Milky Way Using H20 and Methanol Masers: Achievements so Far
b) Proper Motions of Galaxies in the Local Group
c) VLBA Workshop Summary
Jon Romney, NRAO Spacecraft Navigation Using the VLBA
Eduardo Ros, U. of Valencia The Yebes Radio Telescope, the VLBA, and the HSA
Greg Taylor, University of New Mexico VIPS: VLBA Imaging and Polarization Survey
David Thompson/Julie McEnery, NASA, GSFC The VLBA and Fermi
Craig Walker, NRAO Impact of Using Less than 10 VLBA Antennas
Huib Van Langevelde, JIVE eVLBI: EXPReS and NEXPReS
Anton Zensus, MPIfR Effelsberg, the VLBA, and the HSA

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.